Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

DO NOT draw any of my fursonas or ocs as NSFW or NSFW themes without my consent!! ♡

♡ do not claim my characters are yours, this harms and affects everybody, not just you. These are the characters I’ve worked hard to come up with or received as gifts, they are sentimental to me..... ♡

♡ Please don’t try to force a relationship on my characters with one of your own... (kinships, friendships, relationship, etc. etc.) no, my fursona can not be your fursona’s sibling...... -_- ♡

♡ And finally... don’t ask to roleplay with me. I know you just want someone to roleplay with but it’s not my cup of tea.....♡

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!