
ntroduction(IMPORTANT: the formatting of the pictures may look a bit weird on certain screen displays! please bare that in mind as I try to fix this problem)

This is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know, about the world of Berryverse! I suggest reading it to the end as it can be extremely helpful for building your Charmini's lifestyle, story, personality and etc. but since this is mainly a compilation a portion of it, might have already been mentioned in the past. 

Locations & Treehouses 

Berryverse comprises of 9 different locations that your charmini can live in as well as multiple different landmarks (will become interactive with, in the future). Each habitable zone contains notable traits, characteristics and its own culture and their descriptions are as follows.

Berryverse Central is the heart of Berryverse- a bustling forest metropolis where the nights are never quiet and the lights never die out! The markets are always busy with Charminis dressed in the latest fashion trends and a lot of diverse Charminis reside here with the goal of living a fulfilling life! The edges of this place is much quieter and is perfect for Charminis who like the city life but prefer less sound. 


Ocean-Jewel Port is a beautiful ocean side town known by others for its love for the arts, fashion, music, dance and drama as well as pristine waters and caramel sands. Sea side shops, resting on the tallest tree tops and branches include the most romantic cafes and restaurants as well as expensive perfume harvested from the finest peachuberries! Elegant and highclass is one side of the port which contrasts highly with the other more obscure side where a lack of laws has caused it to become dangerous, poverty stricken and a common site for crime (and pirate raids)

Ironfell District is a big city located right next to a giant crystal powerplant. Residents here are seen as sophisticated, and knowledgable as many here like to practice the mysterious force of magic and also try to expand society's knowledge of magic in a way that can benefit charminis. Residents here often own a cauldron and at least a few spell books on their shelves 

Florebloom Gardens is peaceful and nature enthused town seated right next to a star shaped lake. It is surrounded by fields of flowers and hundreds of orchards that grow all kinds of magical berries! Forebloom's whimsical residents love magical creatures, familiars, berries and all things nature!

Cretopian Oasis is a small town located beneath a dessert! the residents here are blessed with a refreshing oasis in one of the harshest desserts and also have a good spice trade! In addition to this, they also have a famous bazaar/market that attracts many tourists, but be careful though, there's known to be many pick pocketers around this area!

Wintergreen Town is a cold wintery town located high up north. Residents here have to deal with snow storms at times but are treated with the most beautiful skies at night! Wintergreen is the leading development into research of space

Skyberry Isles refers to a series of small floating islands most of which are connected by a bridge for its residents ease of transportation. There is an abundance of water and food and It's a beautiful place to live with a beautiful view, the perfect place if your charmini isn't completely mortified by high heights! There are a good number of Charminis with the "winged" mutation located here! 

Gracefield refers to an excluded island of trees that surrounds a 500 meter tall, magic-infused tree located at the centre of a misty lake. Due to its high living standards, it naturally expects Charminis that have come from nobility or have a well-known name. Gracefield has the lowest population of Charminis out of any town/city but is also the most exclusive and sought after by many as a place to live. 

Charmini must be level 3 or have at least one mutation to live here

Eden is an exotic island that consists of a variety of small villages and towns filled with culture, ancient magic and a wide range of species vegetation not seen anywhere else! An old tower stands, half sunken into the middle of a lake, its purpose long forgotten but is said to bring prosperity and good luck to whoever visited it. Some say that this was the place where the first Charminis came to be. 

Generally speaking, Charminis prefer to build and live in treehouses which can look different depending on the city/town they reside in. 

To learn more about this area please check out this guide! 


Although each town/city contains a council or a few leaders, there is somewhat of a central "government" referred commonly to as the "Association" that rules over the entirety of Berryverse from the shadows. The association tends to keep a low profile and "watchful eye" and consists of members are shrouded in mystery- its so mysterious in fact that some even doubting its existence at all. It's thought that the association's strong connections/control over council members and leaders throughout Berryverse, allows them to indirectly create or change laws to a certain degree. They are also thought, to have connections with various celebrities and big companies (allowing them control the media to some extent), know secrets to some of the most powerful magic, among other things, but that information is all derived from rumours. 

Other Species

Although Charminis are the main species within Berryverse there are many other kinds of facinating species as well, one notable example being the Drog! Companions and friends of Charminis!


Berryverse is very diverse and in terms of species- featuring almost all of the animals you see in Earth (dog, cat, bat, etc.) as well as a it's own additions. 

Magic & Misc

Although all Charminis are able to learn magic, it isn’t particularly common within Berryverse, since the “association” has been trying to limit the amount of Charminis who know how to use magic- for fear of them becoming “corrupted” and using it for purposes that may harm other Charminis. Magic also requires a lot of time and dedication meaning that young Charminis that use to have a great interest in magic may lose interest after learning how difficult it is to control. The remaining Charminis who do know magic may choose to use it actively for good- by fighting off monsters or corrupted Charminis, or use it passively- in day to day situations. Alternatively they can betray the association by using it for bad intentions, immediately after learning how to use magic.
There are two main classes of magic which can branch off to different paths.

Transcendental Magic
Transcendental magic is an abstract form that involves warping mind and space. It generally has no solid, physical form but its effects can be observed.

List of Transcendental Paths
Illusion Magic (Allows the Charmini to create optical illusions and hallucinations)
Teleportation Magic (Teleport to any area, at a set radius, around the Charmini. The number of times this can be used and the size of the area, depends on experience)
Clairvoyance (Allows the Charmini to see a few seconds to a few hours into the future)
Hypnosis (Allows the Charmini to bring another Charmini to sleep)
Telepathy (Allows the Charmini to read segments of what another Charmini is thinking)
Regeneration (Allows the Charmini to quickly heal itself of others - this can include animals too)
Charm (Allows the Charmini to temporarily have control of another Charmini’s mind)
Telekinesis (Allows the Charmini to lift objects)

Elemental Magic
Elemental Magic involves the usage of magic which relates to manipulating the elements

List of Elemental Paths
Blaze (Allows the charmini to summon and use fire)
Shock (Allows the charmini to summon and use electricity)
Aqua (Allows the charmini to summon and use water)
Frost (Allows the charmini to summon and use ice)
Terra (Allows the charmini to summon and use earth)
Growth (Allows the charmini to summon and manipulate plants)
Ether (Allows the charmini to summon and use air)
Lumen (Allows the charmini to summon and use properties of light)

- Charminis with 1 or no mutation can learn one path of magic.
- Charminis with 2-3 mutations can learn two different paths of magic.

Other Magic
Necromancy (is forbidden)
Blight (Allows the charmini to summon and use properties of shadows)

As this is just an overview, magical abilities will be further explained in a visual guide and another journal!

Art Credits:
kunokorin/tumblr, @/ghost1515, @/frayde, Sayaka Ouhito, @/gunsbins, イザナミの庭, Wangzhenwei on CGARTT, Mark Tarrisse and Markus Härma on Art Station