Like Clockwork OC's

Characters from my OC story "Like Clockwork"

About "Like Clockwork"

The world was ending, a terribly powerful magical force tears the life from the planet, leaving sparse few places that were still considered safe.
Unable and unwilling to sacrifice more human lives to wage the wars that followed the growing scarcity of safety and resources, great, beastly machines known as "circuits" were built to fight in their place, and more human androids were made to help with everything else the thinning human population needed more hands to assist with.

The fighting didn't last forever, and the unknown forces cutting away at the planet eventually withered away in the force of its onslaught. In a post post-apocalyptic setting, massive cities, spread far from one another, dot the few "safe zones" left on the world, and human life has slowly returned to normal, but life for the androids still left at their sides is in turmoil.
While some androids simply try and keep their heads down, and stick to what little work is left for them now that humans are taking the reigns for themselves again, others struggle to find purpose, or even peace alongside those who created them, others still seek to place themselves on a higher pedestal than those who built them in the first place.

When a mysterious string of vicious crimes begins sweeping through his home city, an android named Stellan who aims to be a detective finds himself defending the innocence of 2 other local androids he's never met before. While trying to find the true culprit of the crimes the two were blamed for, the trio slowly begins to unravel that there are things much larger than they imagined at play, things that risk the lives of humans, androids, and even the lives of the Circuits still roaming the world outside the protective shields of the cities.