Juxtaposition's Bulletins

Character Bio Progress

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by Juxtaposition

So this is mostly gonna just be a running list for myself but I'm going to keep a list of which characters have bios typed up so I can better track my progress

Count: 6/??

Will be edited as I finish more [hopefully]


Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by Juxtaposition

Found a quick n simple HTML format for character profiles, I've used it for Vidro and Sol so far and I'm pretty stoked to use it for others too. anyway thats..really it OH Uh, might start using bulletins to talk about OCs? Potentially, yknow. yeeHAW

on the subject of organization

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by Juxtaposition

Been thinking about a few storyline ideas I've had (comics or otherwise) and I think I'll start sorting characters by storyline if applicable Since I've got Faulted Dogma, Our Home, whatever Vidro's story is, etc. I think I should start organizing, at least for myself. so yeah, just thinking out loud but that'll be somethin'

[edit:] I might just make it a tag, I'm not quite sure yet since some characters are kind of in a gray area between being tied to a story and not?

i still have so much owed art to get through and im not drawing anything lately like, at all its great, im having fun doing nothing yes

i streamed art for FOUR HOURS and i cant believe i didnt finish all the owed art i still have

an ode to my laziness

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by Juxtaposition

i need to write profiles for a LARGE QUANTITY of ocs but i’m too lazy to do it? not to mention i haven’t uploaded/submitted a fair amount of characters so yikes @ me

so bulletins are a thing?

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by Juxtaposition

i need to get into this site more, im lackin on anything i've done so far also can i just say the idea of commenting/posting bulletins "in character" is so exciting like this is too much power for a doof like me