Oderint Dum Metuant


archangel virtue sentinel human cursed deity demon dynast unknown

LORE INFO click to expand

Angels can be classed under three different designations: archangels, virtues, and sentinels.
Archangels- click to expand
  • Archangels currently have the highest authority in heaven, aside from god. They can decide who is allowed in or out of heaven, and can directly influence wether an angel falls or not.
  • Archangels are INCREDIBLY powerful. They’re capable of healing any and all injury or ailment, even to the extent of raising the dead. Archangels are capable of lifting any curses and are very keen on sensing deception or anything “unholy.” Archangels are also capable of changing their appearance at will.
  • Archangels have multiple sets of wings and can take on a more inhuman form, think biblically accurate angel.

Virtues- click to expand
  • Virtues are closest to what you might think of when you picture an angel. They report to archangels and often are in charge of sentinel squadrons and almost universally outrank all sentinels.
  • Virtues are capable of healing most ailments and removing most average curses. They can sense deception similar to archangels, but not quite as certainly.
  • If they focus on an individual they are capable of limited telepathy.

Sentinels- click to expand
  • Sentinels are the closest to humankind of all heaven’s denizens. They’re much more “sin” prone, given that their nature is adjacent to humans.
  • Their wings are modeled off of birds, chosen by each individual sentinel at a young age.
  • They are capable of growing and shrinking their wings to some extent, but are incapable of fully hiding them, intentionally making it incredibly difficult for them to integrate into human societies.
  • Whenever a sentinel is "killed", they essentially pop up in a limbo-state in heaven without a physical form until it is recreated. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to months; heaven is more disorganized than you'd think.
  • Sentinels are slightly inclined to be able to sense deception or “evil”, though not nearly to the same extent as virtues or archangels. They are stronger than most humans, though that’s about it.
  • Sentinels can either be born or created.
  • If a sentinel and a human have a child, their child can achieve full sentinel-status if they are raised in heaven. There is some stigma against such sentinels.
  • If a sentinel's wings are cut off, they can regrow, it's just a very slow and painful progress, so many sentinels opt to "die" and resurrect.
  • Fun factoid, sentinels are incapable of getting drunk due to the nature of their blood, which automatically burns out most toxins. There are ways to get around this though ;D

There are subcategories, such as guardian angels, but i'll figure out the best way to go in depth with those later.
Deities are categorized under very simple and broad terms. They must:
  • Not be one of god’s creations*
  • Not be spawned from hell*
  • Possess human or near-human sentience
  • Be unkillable by “normal” means, i.e. at minimum no mortal can kill them
  • Gain power from having followers or worshippers
Most deities look inhuman in one way or another and have some type of power associated with them. Some deities are so far even unkillable by angels and angelic weaponry, though that’s a bit uncommon. Deities are inherently considered aberrant or “evil” by god and all angels simply due to their nature. That being said, angels on an individual level are allowed to form their own opinions, of course.
* There are few exceptions.
Dynasts are essentialy lords of hell; they're assigned certain zones to rule over.
Demons are, unsurprisingly, the primary occupants of hell. They are typically categorized as the following: succubi/incubi/concubi, vindicators, contractors, hellhounds, beasts, and hellions. Some of those might seem redundant to you and you would be right in thinking so! The categories are not dictated by biological traits and are almost all not mutually exlusive, i.e a succubus could be a contractor, or a hellhound a vindicator.
Sucubi, Incubi, Concubi- click to expand (nothing explicit but still mentions of sexuality)
  • Sucubus, incubus and concubus are not exclusively gendered terms in this lore. its decided by vibe /hj
  • Always humanoid and sentient
  • Not just "haha horny demon go brr", typically the core goal is to manipulate their victim into compromising their beliefs. Seducing a priest? Yep. Convincing a man to kill his family? Yep.
  • That being said, high libido go brrr
  • Frequently shapeshifters of some sort!
  • Always have one(1) unnatural trait that they cannot hide, i.e unnatural hair or eye color, small horns, a tail, a few scales, etc etc.
  • Genetically compatible with almost anything. Humans, any class of demon, deities, etc. (excluding angels)
  • Can be more emotional than the other classes of demons; no one likes to admit it but there's been quite a few who've fallen for their "victims". Often seen as the more "laid back" class of demon. Stereotypical succubus behavior is often seen as old fashioned by "modern" variations!

Vindicators- click to expand
  • Very union-prone demons. Often a strong sense of community, they make up the majority of hell's occupants; they're considered "unspecialized" but dependable by other classes(mostly contractors and any of the dynasts).
  • Forms range from humanoid to non humanoid. Can be anything from just some red guy to a giant sentient ooze.
  • These are the punishers of hell, so to speak. They're meant to torture the sinners, yknow!
  • Typically very violent. Sadism is not a job requirement but it is encouraged /j
  • Rarely leave hell.
  • Commonly either hate humans or have a strong sense of morality; either humans are roaches so who cares or they deserve their punishment.
  • Torment can vary wildly, maybe you're getting torn apart and put back together every day, maybe you're being dissolved for the rest of eternity, maybe you're in a nightmare state you can never wake up from. Who knows!

Contractors- click to expand
  • "Shake hands with the devil" type beat. They make, you guessed it, contracts with people, usually for their souls.
  • Often humanoid, but not exclusively so.
  • Can grant power or other boons to whoever they make a contract with.
  • More "specialized" due to the nature of their job, typically good sweet talkers!
  • Not limited to hell or the overworld, though the majority spend most of their time "up top".
  • Unlike succubi, contractors can flawlessly disguise themselves among humans.

Hellhounds- click to expand
  • Hellhound can refer to either the class or "species". Are you a sentient demon dog? Congrats, you're a hellhound. Are you a sentient demon dog who's tasked with going to the surface to retrieve souls? Congrats, you're also a hellhound.
  • Must have some sort of canine form.
  • Sometimes can shift into a more human(oid) form, typically limited to two forms max.
  • Sentience is mandatory to be classed as a hellhound, species or class.

Beasts and Hellions- click to expand
Welcome to the two catch-all categories! Hellions- Can take any physical form, humanoid, spirit, monster, or otherwise. The PINNACLE of "unspecialized" demons. Do you not fall into any of the other categories? Congrats, you're a hellion. "True" hellions exist to cause problems. Mischievousness is encouraged. Must be sentient. They don't have to be smart, just sapient. Beasts- Monsterous/beastial forms, mostly. These are the non-sentient ones. Purpose varies.