
The Hellhound pack:

the species Hellhounds are demonic-canine like creatures that come from hell who feed on the misery of others. There are various types of hellhounds with different abilities. The hellhound pack we follow is lead by Necros who originally came with neoma,yang,void, ramsey and kukiko from hell. They came to enjoy the upcoming war between humans and creature since it send off huge amount of evil energy to hell. Until Necro's and his pack met with another hellhound pack led by charm who had been living in the mortal realm for a long time. Necros fell in love with Charm and they united to become a bigger pack. Crisis hit the pack when Ramsey was murder by tempest who was assign to kill him by Oasis.Ramsey was Necros closest friend and was the beta of his pack. Kukiko his student took over Ramsey spot as beta and because of that the hellhounds biggest enemy is Tempest alliance and Oasis. 

Types of Hellhounds 

Yama flames- 

Ghost flames- 


