The Insurrection Factor is a war story that centers around everything bad that happens in war along with morally grey characters and bad situations. World and story lore, characters, and profiles contain sensitive subject material, including but is not limited to:

  • War and Military Violence
  • Genocide and Death
  • Fascist Imagery
  • Alcohol/Drugs/Substance Abuse
  • Child Abuse
  • Abuse (Physical, Emotional, Sexual)
  • Mental Illnesses/Disorders
  • Rape and Sexual Assault
  • Self-harm
  • Torture, kidnapping, slavery, and other excessive violence
  • Implied and Direct References to white supremacy, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge, and various other 20th- and 21st-century dictatorships, governments, and leaders

Explicit descriptions of:
  • Violence/Torture/Abuse
  • Death
  • War Crimes


【war, fantasy, sci-fi】【R/X】

created march 31, 2013


The year is 1930. A revolutionary leader named Iota Beta creates a specialized platoon of soldiers to help her overthrow the country's dictatorship. The world is about to change—but for better or for worse?

The Insurrection Factor (TIF) takes place on a planet named Dimentor in an unknown and distant universe. It centers around an original, humanoid alien species known as entities who can't seem to get along with each other. The story itself draws from historical events such as World War One, World War Two, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War, and was originally inspired by Homestuck. What began as a stupid story about a group of "entities" running around in a world blatantly ripped off from Homestuck has evolved into a more original and drawn-out story that I have fixated on for nearly a decade.

Although it is primarily a personal story written for my own enjoyment and comfort, I would like to one day either publish it or turn it into a webcomic once I learn how to draw. Or both, even. But one can dream.


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.




The leader of the revolutionary United Fault Militia who will stop at nothing to end the Cipher Regime.




An intelligent general in the United Fault Militia, and one of Iota's closest confidantes.




A stubborn and bad-tempered general in the United Fault Militia.




A machine-gunner in the Insurrection Factor whose morals may not be as great as they seem.




The daughter of Iota and the somewhat hesitant leader of the Insurrection Factor.




A rifleman in the Insurrection Factor whose motives seem unclear.




A fiery and hot-headed rifleman in the Insurrection Factor who's out for blood.




The unhinged Supreme Commander of the Negative Advantage Military.


Entities are a humanoid, bipedal, and intelligent alien species with characteristics of both technology and felines. They all have feathered wings that vary in size and functionality. There are three types of entities (advantages, disadvantages, defects). There are three classes/races of entities (negative, positive, divisional). Entities are larger than humans both in height and width; many are broad-shouldered, bulky, and well-muscled, adapted to flight and cold temperatures, and can reach up to 9 feet in height. They are primarily carnivores but also can consume things such as bread, dairy, and vegetables. They are all named from objects relating to science or technology. Opposite to humans, entity reproduction is biologically homosexual. Entities are hermaphrodites (genetic material differs between males and females, and is only compatible with itself, making reproduction homosexual) but have the appropriate secondary sex characteristics corresponding to their gender. Entities only have a womb equivalent, not the real thing, are only pregnant (pended) for 4-5 months, do not visibly appear pregnant (but will show other symptoms), and entities are born exclusively through surgery, as it is not physically possible otherwise. Women are larger, stronger, and more violent in comparison to men. Female entities have long, pointed ears and male entities have short, pointed ears. To a human, the voice of an entity would be completely incomprehensible, only a series of robotic and mechanical noises, but to their own kind, entities have a slight robotic tone to their voice, as if speaking through a filter, but otherwise sound normal.

Negative entities have dark gray skin, dark gray feathers, black hair, and all-sharp teeth with large, pointed top and bottom fangs. These fangs often poke out of their mouths, giving many of them an odd way of speaking. They are the shortest of the three races, and are considered the most violent. They live primarily in the Negative District and speak an equivalent of the Dutch language.

Positive entities have pure white skin, white feathers, gray or dark gray hair, and relatively flat teeth save for long and pointed top and bottom fangs. They are the largest of the three races, and are considered the most arrogant. They live primarily in the Positive District and speak an equivalent of the German language.

Divisonal entities have gray skin, gray feathers, dark gray or black hair, and all-sharp teeth with no large fangs. They are the "inbetween" between negatives and positives and are considered impassive by most. They live primarily in the Division District and speak an equivalent of the English language.


An entity with no apparent mental or physical technological faults. Their wings are fully proportional and capable of flight. Advantages are capable of generating electricity and lightning that can lightly injure faults but can prove deadly to other advantages. Many (if not all) advantages suffer from "the virus" that causes them to go "haywire" when met with the smell of blood or strong emotions—they become blindly violent and destructive, only stopped when knocked unconscious. They sit at the top of social hierarchies in 1930.


An entity with mental but not physical technological faults. A disadvantage can either be "advantage-leaning" or "defect-leaning." AL disadvantages have larger wings that can be capable of gliding but not flight. DL advantages have smaller wings that are incapable of flight or gliding. Examples of disadvantages include crashing, freezing, and overloading. While not being able to manipulate these faults physically, disadvantages are more likely to affect technology, causing anything from flickering lights, blackouts, and total shutdowns. Referred to as "faults" when grouped with defects. Though some can pass as advantages, many sit just barely above defects in the social hierarchy.


An entity with physical but not mental technological faults. Their wings are small, incapable of flight or gliding, and are often broken-looking in appearance. Examples of defects include glitching and lagging. Defects can be manipulated by an entity if genetically predisposed to better control and through rigorous training. Glitching can be used to teleport, move through objects, create weapons or armor, and can be used to inflict massive damage anywhere. Advantages are naturally susceptible to glitching and will be lacerated, burned, or even killed if touched by a glitch. Referred to as "faults" when grouped with disadvantages. They are typically placed at the bottom of social hierarchies in 1930.


The name of the color that makes up the color of an entity's eyes and blood. Many degrees are unique to an entity, whereas others are more common. Degrees are typically the combination of the parents' degrees or a child will take one parent's degree and not the other. Siblings, unless purebloods or having inherited a degree from their parents, typically share the same combined degree.

"Purebloods" are entities whose degrees are the pure shades of colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff, are some examples. Many consider purebloods to be desirable and one step above others despite having no other apparent benefits. Purebloods can be random (mutations) or genetic.

Parent A has a red degree and Parent B has a yellow degree. Child One inherits Parent A's degree. Child Two is a combination of both Parent A and Parent B's degree. Child Three is a random pureblood.

Code by AviCode