KatyaHam's Bulletins


Posted 4 months, 19 days ago by KatyaHam

Happy new year everyone !!! ilysm, thank you for your endless support of my art, story, characters, writing... everything!!! the art community means so much to me and you all make me smile every day, thank you <333

Dreamscape Basics Page

Posted 7 months, 28 days ago by KatyaHam

hello babes, I just wanted to let you guys know I made a quick basics page for some possibly confusing parts of the Dreamscape for anyone who is kinda trying to follow it LOLLLL bc i feel like none if it makes sense so if you are lost maybe this would help afkljsd:


I'll also be adding to it over time probably!

also lmk if there is anything else you're curious about!

I never thought people actually read much into the profiles and stuff, but some people have?? AND I RLLY APPRECIATE IT LMAO SORRY ITS ALL A JUMBLED MESS HAHA