
moonskippers are a closed/private species created by Kaveebi. (Me!)


We have a nice small community that consists of roughly 50 people.

Most Moonskippers are owned by myself, some of them are just being prepared for a far future adoptable, 
I like to sit on my characters a little bit and shape them into a nice character before selling them, therefore it can take up to months before one goes up after the initial creation date.

Feel free to check the ones in the sale folder, please do note; they usually go over 275EUR

I am aware they are 'just' fictional dragons to some of you guys, but I spent so much time and effort in the species and the community, that I feel this is what I am allowed to ask for it!
If you don't like the fact that they are a pricy/private/closed species, then this is not the species or community for you to begin with :)

So please stay respectful and feel welcome to offer if you do feel like joining the community.

I don't sell many I've been selling skippers since 2014 and We only have roughly about 100 skippers, in where a quarter is probably with me :')



Clicks, Growls, Purrs, Meows, screeches and screams for ultrasonic sounds for distress/navigation.

Average heights: 

5’5-9 feet or 1.5-3 metres tall.


Similar to a horse’s or eastern dragon’s but softer, Please refrain from them having Human like hair/wearing wigs.


Venomous scorpion stingers.

Big felines teeth fang venom.

Spit fire.


Spikes on elbows and back.



Whiskers (they can be unnoticable as this is a new feature, but they can also be obvious!)

Rare & special traits:

Royals (Exclusive.)

Double scorpion stingers (Exclusive.)

Double rows of spines.

Maned chests and backs.

Non natural coloured accents in fur.

Coloured spikes.


Heterochromia iridum.

Melanistic and albinism.

No stripes 

Completely spotted

Unnatural colored



Moonskippers are solitary creatures rumoured to have originated from the moon, hence the name, though this is untrue.

They are, however, able to survive in the vacuum of space, giving credit to the myth, despite their unknown origins they are found and born on earth and are considered a draconic alien species as nobody knows where they came from, so tribes of humans and villages would call them Moonskippers, Because they could skip as if they walked on the moon and they could levitate as if they were in space.

They stand between 1.5 - 3 metres tall on their hind legs when fully mature and are mostly carnivorous, though their diet can also be supplemented with fruits, insects, fish, seeds and other vegetation, though it’s not as nutritious as meat is for them. 

Moonskippers travel by using a ‘skipping’ motion mostly, but when hunting they are often very feline like, they can reach speeds of (80 km/h) on all four legs. They jump to attack their prey with their powerful hind legs, their leaps can reach quite far and makes it easier for them to hunt in most environments.

When they capture live prey they inject it with venom from sacs within their fangs or tail stingers, they then wait until their prey becomes slowly paralysed/frozen and dies, they also defend themselves in the same way.

They are rare to see in groups, since Moonskippers are typically solitary creatures, but it’s definitely not unheard of for Moonskippers who grew up together to protect each other loyally. Otherwise, typical meetings of two skippers will result in a standoff or a fight, outside of looking for a mate.

If they do form a group it's refferred to as a clan. They are collectively found in one big Den gathering things, as one big community, they will however mostly have their own safe spaces within that den.

Moonskippers are not dinosaurs, but are in fact a dragon breed. They can levitate but will not do it often due to high energy costs and poor speed, their levitation travel is around 20/25 km/h on a flight path. In the wild Moonskippers mainly live in forests, they live in caves, dens, hollow trees, anything nature has to offer for them. However they will dig out a den if they can’t find a place to sleep. They mark their territories by either leaving scratch marks or rubbing their cheek scent glands against boundary landmarks in their area, known as ‘Flaiming’. 

Despite being a dragon breed, Moonskippers are warm blooded and lay one to two eggs. Their bellies thicken until it’s time to lay (5-6 months), and after hatching the mother is very protective for about a year, until she lets them go into the world that she prepared them for. The father usually leaves during the pregnancy or soon after hatching to resume a solitary lifestyle.

Moonskippers that are raised as domestic pets tend to have much more lax personalities, their behavior is rather lazy but loyal. They can be very destructive at cubbin hood, marking territory, destroying your furniture by scratching its claws on it and making dens out of your couches for example.

They need proper “puppy school training” and a proper den-like area to reside during cubbinhood or they return to a feral disposition and are not suitable for household life with families and young children by the time they reach adulthood. 


How do they breathe fire/ice?

Moonskippers have the ability to spit fire or ice,
For fire; as their venom is extremely flammable and just requires a spark to ignite. They have special calloused muscles located at the top of the throat often referred to as ‘fire stones’ that can be clenched and rubbed together that make a clicking noise as they produce a spark, so when suitably threatened or irritated a Moonskipper can empty their fang venom sacs into the mouth and ignite the liquid with their throats as they spit. The fire is typically green or blue, though diet can influence the colour of the flame.

For Ice (NEW) since august 2022 we've discovered evolved moonskippers, who hunt in the waters more generally, they spit ice. instead of having incredibly flamable venom, they have a venom that is similar to liquid nitrogen, aka Dry ice.
They will get riled up and empty their sockets in their mouth, their calloused muscles are not necessary, but their instincts will still let them try and use them, see the clicking sounds as their warnings.
Their mouth will fill drastically with the venom and it looks like they are STEAMING They will spit the dry ice at you or inject it in their prey to kill it.

Diet of a domestic skipper?

Many families prefer to give their Moonskippers as much of a natural diet as possible, as some skippers can be quite fussy with dried, processed foods made for other domestic species. It is recommended to feed your Moonskipper a diet of raw, lean red meats, with the occasional supplementary meal of fish, egg, organ meats and fruit for proper nutrition and a silky coat. In addition to this, bugs such as mealworms, crickets and cockroaches can make good treats for skippers who enjoy them, as they are high in protein and add an interesting crunch to treat time. 

If raw foods are unavailable, premium quality cat or dog food may be used while being supplemented with powdered vitamins and minerals or a few of the other raw ingredients mentioned above. It is recommended not to feed your moonskipper purely wet food as it is bad for their dentition, they require active use of their teeth to cleanse them. Mix their wet and dry food together, give them bones, sticks, chew toys, dental treats, whatever you can to get them chewing and cleaning those teeth. 

Can they speak to other creatures?

Moonskippers are intelligent creatures with sentience and awareness of themselves, they are able to communicate in their own language to others of their own species as well as their cousin species, mippers and starlites in skipperling language, they can also communicate with most other creatures of a higher awareness and intelligence through sign language and gesturing. 

Hobbies, interests and habits?

Moonskippers are inquisitive and curious creatures, and will often entertain themselves with activities and objects that intrigue them. This can be as simple as collecting or playing games, to as complex and nuanced as performing dance and music. As Moonskippers are intelligent and have the ability to learn to read, they can also indulge in human literature or even write their own if they can manage a pen. Art is also popular, though what a moonskipper sees as art might differ from your own opinion.

In another way of artful expression, a moonskipper may decide to decorate themselves with jewellery, or even wear clothing to show off their tastes. Much like male birds in nature, male Moonskippers can be particularly lavish with their decorations when they want attention, though it does depend on their individual nature also. Necklaces and earrings are a favourite, as well as hats, hip pouches, bags and belts for those with the taste for human fashion.

What do Moonskippers hoard
A moonskippers hoard, is a special item or thing they have interest in, this could be one single thing, most of the time, or in rare occasions multiple things.

Some skippers hoard crystals, books, flyers, plants, tea, rubber ducks, paintings, shinies, animals, a certain type of plushies, actually anything that feels, looks, or smells nice to them in where they feel at home whilst having it in their den/ surroundings

Examples are; Theodore collects Bones, he loves bones, digs them up, builds a pile, sleeps with a bone and will show his favorite bone to someone he favors.

Skye collects Pokemoncards and has a whole hoard of treasure chests full of them. they will protect that with their life.

What colour is their blood?

Moonskippers unlike other warm blooded creatures who have red blood possess vastly different colourations of blood from one another, the color of a Moonskippers blood is determined by the colour of their belly scales/ear colour. Like people's skin color variations, skippers skin but also their flesh can be different colorations.


Aside from their growling, clicks and purring, Moonskippers can make high frequency sounds that only other Moonskippers and creatures with the same hearing range can pick up, much like bats, this can be used for a variety of purposes, such as sending distress signals or to help navigate in dark or densely forested areas. the echolocations start with a meow followed with a highpitched screech.

How does their venom work?

Moonskippers teeth and tail stingers both contain venom sacs, it is a highly modified saliva containing zootoxins, it facilitates the immobilization and digestion of prey, Moonskippers particularly have hemotoxic and neurotoxic venom.

in new discoveries we've also found a type of moonskipper who has a fluid that is similar to the effects of liquid nitrogen, which freezes the prey from the inside out.

Hemotoxic venom is designed to attack the heart and cardiovascular system.

Neurotoxins act on the nervous system and brain.

When killing their prey they inject their meal with venom from either their teeth or from their tail stingers, that will work its way through the bloodstream and slowly begin to shut down vital organs of the creature they want to eat, the process takes a while to work on larger prey so Moonskippers will often stalk their prey after an attack until the venom slowly starts to paralyse their entire body and kill their vital organs.

Does their venom affect other Moonskippers

A moonskippers own venom has barely to no effect on others of their own species, however if they themselves were to be bitten by a venomous creature of a different species, they would most certainly feel it, they aren’t entirely immune to different species’s venom, only their own.


Why do they levitate?

Moonskippers are a dragon breed species, their ability to levitate is mainly due to the inspiration of East Asian dragons who are popularly known to possess no wings yet can still glide through the air gracefully, Moonskippers have the same ability to do this though in limited amounts.

Do Moonskippers have specific genders? 

Moonskippers are generally genderneutral and they can 'breed' with whoever they feel is their mate, no matter their preffered pronouns.
And so Moonskippers have no concept of gender roles, and choose to present themselves however they feel most confident in themselves, whether  that is to be masculine, feminine or neither of the above!

(it's ok to make your skipper Trans, non binary, along with masculine and feminine Moonskippers it's all up to the individual and do exist primarily to how you'd like to express yourself)


Why do cubbins look different from their parents?

Adolescent Moonskippers are quite a bit different looking from their adult parents, as their stripes and horns do not come in to full size until they’ve reached adulthood, young Moonskippers are not born with horns or stripes, they grown into their stripes and horns over time and are fully formed by the time they reach adult maturity.

Newly hatched cubbins are completely defenceless and only grow their horns out fully when matured. Their eyes open soon after, about a week from newly hatched to their eyes opening, around the same amount of time it takes for a kitten to open their eyes also.