The Folves

While not DIRECTLY related to The Hond Family by blood, they were once soldiers after the events of Bipolar, and now they're living normal lives. Some even getting management, starting their own families, or getting jobs. But back in the day, They were ruthless and took down entire towns, while getting special children born with special powers to The Honds to their tower which after 10 years since it's been built, it became a worldwide tournament in disguise. And after that, they weren't used that much until of course, Miki & Ken came and destroyed it.

These folves of course go by their numbers, kind of like Kids Next Door. Does anyone remember watching that show? I don't think so. Point is, These folves DO have names, it's just 
they prefer to be notified by what number they are. Kind of like how most people like to be preferred by their first name. Like "numbers 1, 2, 3, 10, 16, and 29." You'd call them by that.

There is
one folf however that the other folves don't know about, And that's Number 0, The Platinum boi. And Number 1,000 is the only female.