
Alkarnabi are a closed species designed by Kabber Seifert; you can find more information on them in the link provided. ^^ 

I’m currently on hiatus from the community, members are free to offer on my characters listed here but please do not harass me for an immediate response as many of these ocs still hold tremendous sentimental value to me and I am currently attempting to rework stories in order to let more go to new homes ❤️ I want a fresh start story wise but find it difficult to let some characters go as easily as others, so I’ve decided to just open the majority of my masterlist to entertain money and art offers as I don’t want to add to the list.*

*A majority of my aurus will not be sold any time soon because of story, if this changes the desc will be edited accordingly (aurubis are okay). You may offer on everyone but members who I spoke to while in the community have a higher chance at getting characters I’m more attached to. Reminder: I am only entertaining money offers, art preferably being an add on to knock down price*

Edit: Aurus are now open for offers, though as mentioned before members I’ve spoken to before/friends from the community will have priority when selling. 

Thank you for reading; I’ve enjoyed my time in the community 💖