Theory of Východ



“What happens to those things that light cannot reach?”



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.





Stars is the term people use when referring to highly technologically advanced satellites with the ability to give people ''Superpowers''. Superpowers isn't the correct term, really, since the stars use solely technology and not magic, but people use it for lack of a more accurate word. Being created by Akira Fukumoto in 2023, the four satellites give people different abilities depending in which one you are linked to. There's some stars that are locked by any arbitrary requirements, and so, society is divided in stars and who by any reason or another can't have them. Any future plans of creating new stars or constelations were cancelled after the terrorist attack that (supposedly) destroyed Yue-SG, the newest and most ambitious satellite at the time, leaving millions without a star.

  • hhhh
  • In order of launch: Terra (Earth), Neptus (Water), Cyrap (Fire) & Yue (Gravity)


Moral color is a umbrella term used to define the character's moral stand and/or side in the moral spectrum of justice based in the three monochromatic colors of white, black and grey. Moral color is used when refering to the morality of a person's actions - Heroes, villains, and those who fall inbetween those labels.

  • Someone's color sometimes does not determine their side. There's moral black heroes, and moral white villains.
  • Moral grey characters are people who either don't side with any faction or don't agree with either of them.


Icaru, or also known as The Lost Ones are a species of monsters born out of the despair and fear of those who passed on. Depending in the person, their strenght and feelings, an icaru can be more or less destructive and/or powerful. Lost ones are a amalgamation of ink-like flesh, concentrated smoke and glass. Usually, to kill them, you have to destroy the Core: A small crystal ball in the center of the monter, a concentration of all the horrible feelings that create the Icaru in the first place.

  • To avoid a cadaver becoming/fuiling a Icaru, bodies are usually cremated. This procedure is followed mostly with heroes and powerful people in general. This doesn't totally erase the posibility of them fuiling a Lost One, but makes it stadistically more unlikely.
  • There's a group of individuals tasked with specifically eliminating Icaru for the safety of the populous, called the Sunless Soldiers. They are known for being a almost militaristic, totalitarian system. They also severely suck at their job.