Digimon: Hunters

A mysterious deadly virus that slowly turns Digimon into zombies has been plaguing the Digital World for generations and keeping them at bay are mutant Digimon who call themselves Hunters. Born with special abilities, they’re the only ones able to successfully cleanse and destroy them.

Over time the world has become a desolate wasteland due to the spread of the virus. To help combat the decay and keep the Digimon population safe, large dome protected areas for each zone were created. The Royal Guards of the Digital World, by following the word of their God, Drasill, have been working with the Hunters to keep the public unaware of the virus, and the actual state of the Digital World. In turn they’ve created the DPS Force, a police-like force that was made to “keep the peace” and keeps constant secret surveillance on the Digimon population.

The creation of the DPS Force has caused a modernized shift in this Digital World, and it’s now in the infancy stages of having a government (completely run by the DPS), a currency system, and modern technology. In order to keep the public from getting out of control, the DPS have also implemented laws, such as banning Digimon from digivolving into anything past Champion level and banning fighting in general. The only exception being official moderated fights at the Coliseum. Failure to comply will cause the offenders to be immediately detained until further notice.

While the Digital World is dealing with their own problems, in the Human World, a powerful cyber company plans to harness the power of the Digital World for themselves. Taking innocent humans and Digimon to fuse them together and create an army of odd hybrids that are able to infiltrate both worlds.