
Humans from Envawn, either fully Envawnan or close enough to full blooded for it to not matter.

Typical Features:
Envawnans usually have light to medium brown skin, tend to have straight or wavy black hair.  Eyes dark brown, hazel, and green other colors are rare.  Tend towards oval face, long, arching noses with a prominent bridge.

Men average 5'8" to 6'

Women 5'6-5'10"

Common surname suffixes: -or, -awv, -o'an
Examples:Mishor, Nelendor, Mawshinor, Velawbenor, Meshinawv, Kamelo'an

Masculine given names: -rick is a common ending, nicknames/diminutives tend to have a long E sound (Yuri, Tori)

Feminine given names: -ka and -aw are common endings