Bewitching Mansion

Bewitching Mansion
"Who are those silhouettes on the walls?" ― Starlet

fantasy slice of life psychological horror drama adventure

A god they were. A god to them. Somewhere in the thickened mist...Only under a full moon, they say... She'll help you find your way in life, in death, in one's recreation. Only those who seek true dedication find shadows who plague your walls. "Who are those silhouettes on the walls". Beware the night, Oh bewitching night our eyes rest with this curse sight. Binding blessings under the fallen light. Sieze the night with heaven's divine right. The moon will give its silent verse tonight.

A story about a mysterious bewitching mansion, building those troubled by their past to walk their halls for an eternity. Find comfort in a fantastical and magical experience at the bewitching mansion. 


Male Young Adult Renatus Questioning Female Heterosexual Asexual Bisexual Collaboration Genderless Fluid Bewitching Household Older Adult The Smell Of Coffee Pansexual Homosexual Teen Project Untamed Adult Unsorted