DoT Vorrshane

Eberin is considered a chosen of the quoron people. And existence of high magic.

The quaron themselves are skilled in the magic arts. But the chief knows that their advancements are not eternally. While Eberin was visiting the quaron people in the city of Heerhensor at the base of the great holy mountain Ehverwayn, the mountain crumbles to dust to the shaking of the earth.

Eberin has no part in this destruction, but many of the quaron viewed her as a higher existence and blamed her, outcasting her from their society that she had become so deeply involved in.

She leaves, she could’ve stayed, she wasn’t called a higher existence for nothing, but the animosity directed made it not worth remaining.

She sets out of a journey to learn of the terra, the shaking that could destroy and entire mountain had never happened before and she wanting to know the cause.

She joined by the son of the quaron chief. A man who seemed to genuinely dislike her when they were children, but is now quite loyal and diligent towards her.

And so Eberin and Urako set out in a journey.