Lemon-Drops's Bulletins

Ok hi

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Lemon-Drops

Say yes

3 Votes Chikin potato
2 Votes Yes
0 Votes Ack no
0 Votes If there are ATs then yes

I am bored,






so anyways basically anyone up for a dt?

(hahah I am so demotivated)


Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Lemon-Drops

CANDY BOWL HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED!!! Everyone can start trick-or-treating now!!! Have fun!

🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬- 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬 - 🍬

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Lemon-Drops

I’m incredibly bored, no one likes my stuff, I don’t know what to do.

can some one help?



Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by F2U Among us kitty base Lemon-Drops


3 Votes Yes, I would love to be pinged!
0 Votes No sorry
0 Votes YES!!

A m o n g u s 


read the character for info

please vote if you would like to be pinged!


Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Lemon-Drops


0 Votes Yes, I would love to be pinged!
0 Votes No sorry
1 Votes YES!!

A m o n g u s 


read the character for info

please vote if you would like to be pinged!

Raffle results

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Lemon-Drops


1 Votes Congrats
0 Votes Your mean! I wanted to win! >:(
5 Votes Hello I’m caillou


i’m LaaTTe :’(


but the winner shall be revealed

*dramatic music*

Congrats to…


I’m posting the proof now!

5 points

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Lemon-Drops


0 Votes Cheese
1 Votes Pasta



i have 395 points



I’ll give you a headshot,,,,



Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Lemon-Drops


1 Votes H
0 Votes H

CANDY BOWL! Event announcement + Guide

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Lemon-Drops

Will you join?

2 Votes Yes!
9 Votes Maybe
2 Votes No, I don’t have time
1 Votes No way
5 Votes Yes I will totally! It sounds awesome so I will share too!
0 Votes This is stupid

Welcome to my halloween event, candy bowl! here’s a guide.

I. what is it?

II. how it works

III. Rules

IIII. Guide to creating your haunted house

what is it? -

candy bowl is an artist’s event for Halloween! Each participant will create a character that is their “house.” trick or treaters will comment on the house’s profile. their house will have two tabs: the candy bowl and the leftovers. The “candy bowl” (treats) will have newly made halloween adopts (each an image) with a description like “Mars bar” or “kit-Kat” so the trick-or-treater knows which adopt you are specifying. Note it DOES NOT have to be based off the candy in the description. The “leftovers” (tricks) is filled with purge and/or joke characters with descriptions like “crunch bar wrapper” or “lollipop stick” make sure to credit the original creator of the purge character!

how it works -

If you are going to trick or treat someone, first find their house. Then comment “trick or treat!” you may add in your preferred candy as well. if someone trick or treats you, pick what you want to give them (a trick or a treat) and link the image of what you gave them with “trick! You got a ___” or “treat! You got a ___” and create and transfer the character. then put a “taken” watermark over the candy/leftover. The flat sale price for any free trick or treat is 0$. Characters you get from this event may not be resold without added art. You can also add an autobuy in money or da points for people to pick the treat they want which will set that as it’s flat sale price. The event will take place on the 30th to the 31st. 

rules -

roll a dice to decide whether to trick or treat someone. If it gets even, they get a treat! If it gets an odd number it’s a trick. you can only trick or treat a person once, for example if I went up to one of my friends, and said “trick or treat,” I couldn’t go to them again until the following day. if you run out of treats or tricks then you must either just do the ones you haven’t run out of, create more fast, or allow people to get a design later, so if I, say, ran out of treats, I would create designs and give them out once I finish, even if the event is over. you start off with 3 trick or treat tickets, each time you trick or treat someone you lose one. Each time you create a treat or trick for your house or someone trick or treats you, you get a ticket! Also, your designs must not be stolen and bases must be credited. More common sense rules: don’t re-roll your dice to give someone a different thing, don’t purge characters with no base worth that don’t have added art, don’t copy people’s house names, and don’t make the character autobuys ridiculously overpriced from their worth (99999999999999 da points for a white on-base cat with green eyes and clip art witch hat) and don’t use clipart in your designs

Guide to creating your haunted house -

First create your treats and tricks (make sure the designs are sfw please, it is halloween so some gore is ok though!) and then go to create a character. Then create a tab, label it “candy bowl” and then make another called “leftovers” submit your images with proper credit to bases and designers, and finally once your page is set up create a name for it. For example mine will be “lemon’s haunted house” and once you have your name, comment on the world (link will be added) for my approval. If your house is good to go I will add it to the world. If there is an issue, I will dm you and you can try again once it’s fixed!! finally I will reply with the address for your house, which you can put in the description (just for ease of communication and keeping track of things.) feel free to draw your house for the icon to spruce up the town also, or if you don’t want to just set it as the default house icon.

just comment below if you’re joining, please enter because I don’t want this to fail eep <3 thank you for reading!! Sharing is appreciated. Also anyone who joins will get a free icon, and if you make more than five treats you will get a free custom! I came up with this at the middle of September and have been working on it for a while and I’m so glad to release it finally!


Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Lemon-Drops

Will you order?

5 Votes Yes!
5 Votes I have no DA points :’(
0 Votes No.

Alright everyone I’m now opening commissions, so here’s the info!

- fullbodies/ pagedolls: 20 points


- headshots/ icons: 10 points (lmao no one buys my stuff :P)


- customs: 20 points
