Lilina's Bulletins

New design ufo

Posted 9 days, 9 hours ago by Lilina

82852980_l1a9kap6b893YfJ.pngSadly I don’t have any ideas for em so I’m putting em up for offer.

Click on the image to go to the design’s profile.


Posted 10 days, 17 hours ago by Lilina

Yea I've made one a few days ago. Check it out. Feel free to draw or ask me shit idk.

so yeah AF season is coming again, but I’m also on Vacation from June 20th to July 6th (I’m going to Quebec and Ontario), so the first six days will be slowish.

Also, my hitlist is open again, but per usual, I won’t be guaranteed to attack everyone. However, if you are interested, feel free to fill it out.

Graaaah I want beta readers for Mimogame

Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by Lilina

I know I posted abt it in forums already, but I'll do the same here.

Basically, I am looking for beta readers to go over the mimogame plot outline. Because the plotline covers all of the stages, I won't be able to link it here since I can't spoil things too early. However, if you're interested, please feel free to DM me, and I'll send it over. Please note that the plot outline may be completely different from the premise I initially wrote for it.

Also, if you're going to talk about the game's plot in public, all I ask is that you should only be talking about stage 1 of the game, just to avoid any spoilers.

Edit: I already have 1 beta reader, but I'm more than likely to have some more.

Purging adopt/trade account

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by Lilina

(Mirror of this thread)

Hello. Because I'm slowly steering away from using this site for storage due to a mix of safety concerns and me being way too busy with a game I'm developing, I am doing a purge of everyone currently sitting in my adopt/trade account. Most of them are really cheap flatsales. Here's a list of everyone I have right now:

Chibi phoenixes:

Other designs:
Also, I still have this freebie that I want gone. This one's FCFS, so please comment on the freebie's profile if you're interested.

Oh? New portfolio website?

Posted 2 months, 9 days ago by Lilina

So yea. I'm sick of using Weebly for this, so I made a new one through a different service.

Check it out here ig

So yea I'm gonna cancel my yearly April Fools shenanigans this time around. I can't really come up with a cool joke on this very occasion so no more goofing around for now.

Anyways good night.

So how was Mimogame? [Update]

Posted 3 months, 22 days ago by Lilina

(Most of it is copypasted from my recent devlog)

Hi. It’s a pretty unusual update, but I decided to take a break from developing on the game.

Why? The reason that I’m putting the game on hiatus again is because ever since coming back from Florida last month, I noticed how utterly burned out I felt. I just didn’t feel like following tutorials just to implement the things I want. The only things I’ve done for the game as of this year were pretty small stuff, like adding the fragments, and fixing how the background moves.

Honestly, I feel like being a solo dev is just… boring to me. It’s not wrong going solo, but I’m a guy in my 20’s now, and I’m still struggling with coding things. I think it’s better for me to focus on other things for the time being.

But does this mean that I’m gonna take a break from Timesea? Nope. Not at all. I’ll mostly prioritize on other creative aspects of it, most notably the written parts. Also, I always have the Mother Goose Library, a wiki currently being hosted on Miraheze, if you want to check it out for yourself. I’d just feel bad if I just left something I’m passionate of left to rot haha. I do have plans to hire people to work on my game once I get out of break in the future, but that’s something I’ll think about for the time being.

That wraps things up for this devlog. Thanks for reading. I’ll obviously make an update when I finally get back to working on it.

Mimosa and the Clocktower AMA

Posted 4 months, 28 days ago by Lilina

Henlooo I currently have Jetlag so I can't work on my game right now, but I have made an AMA for Mimosa and the Clocktower.

Click here to go to the AMA. It'll be open for a couple of days. Please note that I won't guarantee that I'll answer everyone, but I'll try to answer as many as I could.


Posted 5 months, 9 days ago by Lilina