German Version: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Loewentau/photos/?tab=album&album_id=709454319406016

Average size: 1.40m-1.50m, the slightly curved posture makes them look even smaller

Average life expectancy: 150-180 years

Living conditions: Comas often live in communities, although they divide into small groups, mostly they search a Group with the same smoke's characteristics : even they are a Bluter or 'Raucher'.  In the groups  is no hatred among them                              and they stick together when something happens. A Coma is just ejected when they did a serious crime. These are: murder, great fraud and theft, as well as destruction of residential areas and food.

What do Comas eat?: Comas eat normally, they also tolerate most of the meat. They can also feed smoke, because that they are often found near volcanoes or factory districts.

Behaviour of the Comas: Comas are rather quiet to passive beings, they usually prefer to stay for themselves and in their groups. But you can findall sorts of Characters . Raucher are (on average) more offensive than the Bluter. However,                                         since they can speak several languages, their own, the normal Human and Furry language and also a few others, they can also communicate with other species and they are mostly very affable. But you  should                                             not make one to youre enemy, because you can never know exactly what characteristics the smoke has until one experiences it for oneself.

Types of distinction: Comas are divided into two large groups: the 'Raucher' and the 'Bluter'

Raucher: Raucher do not have blood in their bodies, instead their smoke flows into their veins and it comes out if they are hurt, smokers are usually considered stronger as the Bluter because they can use their smoke better and more                   diversely. You can recognize them by the fact that the sclera is black.

Bluter: The Bluter have blood in their veins and their sclera is white. They are usually considered weaker because they only have the smoke they can spray from their smoke balls.

The smoke itself: The smoke of the Comas can have all sorts of properties. From healing abilities to hallucination and influence to nerve venom. Normally, the Comas only use the smoke when they are in danger, the Raucher use it when                             they are injured. Supportive smokes also used outside of danger to help others,if the Coma considers it necessary.

Origin of the name: The Comas lifes longer than than we know them. Their discovery and name go hand in hand. The discoverer of the Comas came too close to one and this specific Coma had a smoke that triggered a comatose state,                                 which  explains the name. the Comas realized with time that the Humans are no danger , they began to show themselves more and learned the language, which was more spoken now.  Of course, not everytime was                                  always good, at the beginning there were incidents, that Comas were caught because their smoke was partly used in weapons. But the Comas began to take action against the humans and since them ,there are more                              careful with the comas

Many thanks to ´Eure liebe Lurtera' on amino, she made the Story and wrote it for me qwq"


Common: 0 or 2
Rare: more than 3
Legi: 1

Common: Normal with or without fur
Rare:animal ears
Legi: without ears or others

Common: mostly naturell (less than 50%unnaturell)
Rare:  50% unnaturell and 50% naturell
Legi: more than 50% unnaturell

Common: one color
Rare: 2 colors
Legi: galaxie or rainbow

Smoke-balls are mandatory!