Fave Babies

Welcome to LostTideLover's Toyhouse! 

I am still sorting and working out what Folders I want to categorize characters under, so they're pretty useless for viewing my characters. 

The best way to view my characters is to check out the tags! I'm still working on tags at the moment but I am currently sorting them into the following tag types : 

'Species - (Species Name)' so if you're looking to view a particular species I own, check out these tags

'Story - (Story Title)' this will be so that you can see every character that is involved in a specific story of mine.  If one character is in two stories, then they will be viewable in two tags. 

'AF - (Random Description)' i'm creating these tags for Artfight right now. Instead of loading up a million characters to Artfight, I'm going to upload categories and people can draw any of my characters that fit that category, for example, 'Feral Canines', 'Beautiful Women', 'Furries' etc. 

Let me know if you're having any issues and thank you for checking out my kids! 

Story - Dechiyen AF - Feminine AF - Feral Hooved AF - Masculine AF - Feral Other Species - Briarling AF - Feral Canine Species - Herinaxl Species - Cyborg Story - Strange Encounters AF - Feral Feline AF - Anthro Species - Karat Species - Human Species - Avarati World - Dechiyen Species - Animan Species - Hallow Species - Galari Species - Buttfurrs