
Controller: Orthrus

Location: The Mythos hive is nestled deep into a dark rocky forest, right next to both a large ocean side cliff and a murky swamp. The members get most of their food from hunting in the forest or nearby ocean - they avoid the swamps due to the animals that live there being tainted by the harsh environment. Orthrus is a somewhat ruthless leader who prefers to lead with force - though his hive respects him abd his strength immensely. Shadow often acts as his seond-in-command, and takes on the role of the main guard/proxy leader when Orthrus isn't available. They tend to cause a lot of trouble to the weaker/more peaceful hives in the nearby areas; ransacking them for supplies and hijacking their territories. There may be few members, but the small number of preservers are led by a smart controller that makes full use of their strengths.

Members: 17

Followers: 9, Preservers: 4, Potion Makers: 1, No Ranks: 2.