Dragons Nest

Controller: Kagatsuchi

Location: Situated at the top of a mountain in the desolate Northern region, the Hive is almost impossible to reach - only those with wings and the strength to make the treacherous journey can reach the peak. Another Hive, Unnamed Hive rests near the base of the mountain; Kagatsuchi has a tentative treaty with the Controller, Carnage, in order to ensure the two Hives do not clash. Although the landscape is swampy, with many poisonous plants and animals living within, it sits right next to a lush beautiful forest that seperates this region from the rest of the world; but the Alumy of this region are content and used to living off of the strange flora and fauna - they would not dare enter the forest without orders from their leaders.

Members: 4

Followers: 0, Preservers: 2, Potion Makers: 1, No Ranks: 0.