
"ok so like, I'm immortal. But I can still die. I-It's hard to explain without just showing you. I'm like a god thing that's all that matters.

Anyways, I'm apart of this big cosmic game with my sister that has been going on for EONS. literally. Pretty much we're given something to do in one world, whoever does it best wins. If one of us dies for whatever stupid reason, the other wins. I suck, and I always lose.

Except THIS TIME, things are different. I can die as MAAAAANNNYYYY times as I want, and I'll just spring back up 30 second later its WILD. 

I'm so tired!

[Semimortal: Remember You Will Die... A LOT (SRYODAL as no one refers to it as) is a story about a vigilante group known as Biblically Accurate Danger (B.A.D.) ran buy a ex-con girlfailure incel who was given the simple task to make a difference in the world.]