Where some rare people are born with the ability to world-hop, traveling to different worlds with all sorts of cultures, animals, even new humanoid species, some people exploit these abilities for crime. The DHA is a secret organization that aims to rid the world of these criminals.


. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.



role / job


role / job


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role / job


role / job


role / job


role / job


role / job


[ DHA ]

Stands for "Dimension Hopping Agency," the secret group of people that handle world hopping related crimes. This unit is kept entirely from the publics eyes.

  • Dimension-hopping and world-hopping are interchangeable terms.
  • Despite how it sounds, lots of the DHAs work is researching how to enter these other worlds, making sure the people they're after are hidding in another world, and surprisingly a lot of paper work.

[ World-hoppers ]

Rare people that are occasionally born in this world and possess the ability to travel to different worlds. Again, a secret kept from the public that this is even possible.

  • Often, certain prerequisites have to be met in order to enter some worlds.
  • World-hoppers are rare in every world, not just this one.

[ Magic ]

An even more rare ability than world-hopping. Not much is known about it, as it is yet another well-kept secret in this world. One thing seems to be consistent about magic casters from this world, however. Everybody has a limit to how strong their magic can ever get, although there's no way of knowing what it is until they've reached the limit. Magic, unlike world-hoppers, can be very common in other worlds.

  • A 1/10 in magic ability can practically do nothing, and could easily live their whole lifes unaware of their ability.
  • A 10/10 in magic ability could alter the entire world, a person that could practically stand against God themselves. Humanity can only pray if someone is born with that kind of ability, they aren't the sort to exploit it.

[ DHA ranks ]

A system used to order DHA agents based on their abilities and permissions pertaining to actions taken during missions. For example, a trainee can do practically nothing without permission, and is required to have a chaperone, but a rank 1 can go to different worlds on their own for missions and can take any action determined to be needed, even to the extent of murder.

  • The rank of boss also exists, for a person who doesn't go on missions themselves, but supervises all the agents and decides who goes on what missions, and who goes with them if needed. They are responsible for everything internally, in general.
  • Aside from trainees, rank 5 is the lowest. Internationally, they're functionally the same, and do much of the same work, although rank 5s are allowed more special permissions during missions.



