Shimmering Satellite

On Haumea, there is a legend. Long ago, there was a great war in the sky. Fearing the battle would devastate life on the young planet Earth, the lonely moon protected it from all carnage that came its way. Each blow she took scarred her surface, and the pieces of shattered moon rock that rained down on Earth collected in the Pacific, forming the crescent shaped island of Haumea.

Strange things still fall out of the sky there, and people say they are gifts in remembrance. But what Phoebe saw fall out of the sky…was an alien. There really is a battle going on out in space, and now that this alien is on Earth, the battle is coming with her. Suddenly Phoebe gains the powers of a moon, and the responsibility of protecting the planet from invaders from beyond the stars. The only question is…will she suffer the same fate as the moon all those centuries ago?