Forbidden Stego

You enter a quiet glade. Soft, dappled light shines gently through the trees and touches the pale green tufts of grass. Ferns and rocks edge the trees, allowing for a significant amount of ground cover until one steps out from beneath the tree line. Soft orange marigolds grow in clusters throughout the grass, insects flitting lazily between them, lending a peaceful atmosphere to the area. Tiny pterosaurs sing and screech animatedly in the trees and occasionally you hear the echoing bellows of parasaurolophus herds far off in the distance. In the center of the glade is a large, squat boulder, easily five times bigger than you. As you wander through the thick grass toward it, you notice the chirping of the pterasaurs cut off suddenly. The glade is suddenly much too quiet. You turn back, feeling nervous, and out of the corner of your eye you see a shadow moving quickly through the thick ferns growing at the edge of the tree line. A sharp bark echoes through the air in front of you and you break into a run, heading desperately toward the rock. Upon reaching it, however, you realize that what you thought was a rock was actually the enormous carcass of a stegosaurus. A knot forms in your stomach as you look back over your shoulder. There, stepping lightly into the dappled sunshine, is a female raptor.

Pack Level 0