The Gray Mages

The Court Mages, otherwise known as the Gray Mages were the lords of wars of the Great Tempest. Unlike other elementarii, Tempest proved to bee to paranoic to consider giving autonomy among his kin. and thus all of his underlings, nomatter the ranks are only bestowed at most the max ranking of a lord of wars. No idols.

The Gray mages were originally a group of dragons under the great Tempest who all dabbled in the weavings of air and its intricate magics. However as Tempest grew more paranoid and began his descent, he began trusting more and more upon the likes of unproven weavings (magicks? ew what a word). From the likes of fortune tellers, gamblers, otter-oil salesmen, to self proclaimed idols and messiahs, or even play god. Anyways, the group is basically akin to a hoard of yes-men. This is what a descent into madness may look like.

Tempest is wary of certain members. He's absolutely detestable as D'peche and Vitliqor managed to convince him that dragons of certain biology are inferior or even dangerous and may rebel.