MillyMoonStar's Bulletins

Whatcha think?

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by MillyMoonStar

So I've been doodling Comfort- or well the background for the drawing, I wonder what do you folks think about it? ^^

Very cool giveaway :o

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by MillyMoonStar

Not much time left my friends! But this person has amazing art and these cute little badges are nice! ^^

God that took forever!! Anyways i'm done uploading chars for now. Enjoy the new bby's that been put up!~

Ok- (Read below v)

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by MillyMoonStar

So hour about an warning, I'm going to add a bunch of oc's that I need to add on here, just wanted to let y'all know so you can turn off the things you need to turn off so you don't get spammed (I guess if that's what you want to do? I dunno 🤔) Just giving a heads up before I do go an do that! 😊

Anyone willing to?~

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by MillyMoonStar

Recently bought this bby:

I know i'm not subscribed by many nor do I have any money, but if you feel up to drawing them thank you!

(Then again I doubt anyone will but that's quite alright I guess?)

Edit: Should say that I didn't buy them with real money I don't have a PayPal or anything like that just a Furvilla account that I bought them from

I've realized something

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by MillyMoonStar

The fact that all my characters could fit into the L E G S meme is quite funny I guess? I mean I draw quite long legs, but to me it doesn't seem out of proportion. Just an interesting thought~

Oh hey about this!

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by MillyMoonStar

If you see my art being inconstant, it's just old art of mine. Months old. I'm only posting it because: A. It's a fursona\persona. B. The character hasn't change much since the last time I drew them. C.It's someone else's month old art and they made them and I haven't gotten the time to draw them yet. So yeah that's bacacaily it, I don't wanna be reported- ;w;

Edit: Funny enough Alastor is actually my up to date artwork