Moonkibble's Bulletins

Sexuality question !

Posted 2 years, 5 days ago by Moonkibble

So I’m Acsexual, I’ve known for a bit know but,,

I also think I’m Aromantic .. idk 

but like- I love and crush over fictional characters and stuff but I don’t like the thought of being in a real relationship with someone nor do I ever crush over people in real life?? what does that meannnn :d (I’ve haven’t had a crush in years now) 

Anyone have Da comms ??

Posted 2 years, 6 days ago by Moonkibble

Anyone have Da comms open Or maybe know someone who does? I have like - 2k+ !! 

im looking for nice icons for my babys <33 Her and Him!!

I have 1.k (1300) 

I spent so much robux already omhz

just comment if you want robux and what your willing to offerz :p

Purge + free ocs

Posted 2 years, 7 days ago by Moonkibble

hiya! Tryna get rid of the mass of ocs ! Please only offer art if you can draw humanoids. 

comment to claim a free oc! And please ONLY comment on this bulletin to offer for the characters!! NOT THEIR PROFILE.

- Art - 200 points  free  free  free free free Art (picky) - Characters Art - 350 points - characters Art (picky) - characters (picky) - over 450 Da (pending I believe)  pending Art - Characters 200 Da  pending  pending Art  pending Art - character - 150 Da Art  I think the third is the only one open!

these guys are only Eo! Characters (picky) - Da points - art as add on only.  characters (picky) - Da points - art as add on only.  characters- art - Da points

I will edit this with more characters!! <3


Posted 2 years, 7 days ago by Moonkibble

Okay so

i will be inactive for a bit! 

i need to work on my designing skills and art style 

it seems they are not appealing to others so I need to fix that ^^

Hope everyone is having a good summer so far! Even though I have 2 weeks left of school lmao

Art trades!!

Posted 2 years, 8 days ago by Moonkibble

Ahh I wanna get more art of these two bozos <33 

just comment what type of art you want !! :3 

Power outage

Posted 2 years, 8 days ago by Moonkibble

Well hello

Had a really really bad storm yesterday and well I lost all my powers since 3:40pm yesterday 

I’m at my grandparents house rn because they Obviously have power so happy me 🥹

anyway I do online school and i don’t have to do it so also another happy me :3 

Well I’m board now 

Question about Th please answer 😭

Posted 2 years, 11 days ago by Moonkibble

How do I like- edit the character so everyone can see it? Like i could say something and people would get notified I edited the character and when the go on the oc they can see what I said or something 

Bro I’m sorry this doesn’t make any sense what 😭😭

20+ celebration! Help me pick how to celebrate <3

Posted 2 years, 11 days ago by Moonkibble

Wi wi

0 Votes Art raffle
2 Votes Character raffle
1 Votes Custom raffle

Ahh I didn’t realize I had over 20 subs!! (28 to be exact!!) 

Sooo I wanna do a little raffle to celebrate <3 

I just don’t really know what to do so please help pick!! I was thinking-

Art raffle

character raffle

custom raffle
