
Characters in my own original story world, Vingate.

Vingate is a story written by a mysterious girl named Alice. The story titled after the name of the world, characters are sentient inside the young girl's head when she sleeps, and are aware they are fiction in a dream. However, they refuse to let that make them think they are fake. After Alice was taken away, she was cloned, her impostor went free, and Vingate began to wither. The story now follows the characters written by the girl who need to restore their world while still having to stick to their personalities given to them by their creator.


-Big Mall: A huge mall that spans across Vingate. It has a large array of stores, some repeating.

-Darkville: A town covered in eternal darkness. It is incredibly shady here and home to some of the most sinister beings. It contains areas such as the Nightmare House, Smoke School, Shifting Amusement Park, and the Hell Circus. Crime is frequent and no one can be trusted here.

          -Hell Circus: A creepy circus that is located in Darkville. It has also been known to be used as a convention center and has a haunted house.

          -Nightmare House: A nightmarish house that used to be small and crawling full of monsters that has been build and expanded upon. It is located in Darkville and few that go in ever come out. It is not a haunted house, but the real deal that no one dares try to mess with. Undead beings with malicious intent roam here.

          -Smoke School: A school that constantly gets covered in a smoky veil caused by nearby fires. It resides on the outskirts of Darkville, and is the only place that occasionally gains light. There are many suspected murders here, especially in the pool at the top of the school that is miles deep.

-Future Jungle: A futuristic looking jungle-like area full of wild creatures and survival. It is a closed off, apocalyptic type area where everyone fends for themselves. Many bases are held here, those inside oblivious to the outside world beyond this dangerous jungle. Underneath it lies the Spirit Caverns, where those who have died here reside. It is said some who reside here are advanced enough in tech to have traveled through space. Rumors have spread that there is a poisonous jungle that can easily kill anyone with just its plants. Other than that, there are wires and other electrical items all around it.

          -Spirit Caverns: The home underground to all of the spirits who have died in Future Jungle.

-Neighborhood Hills: The hills located just outside Darkville that are home to many. The homes here are close together and some of the residents may be shady due to the closeness to Darkville. Drivers are reckless and cause many accidents. The areas farther away from Darkville are more pleasant and welcoming.

          -Middle High: A school next to a busy road that hosts middle and high schoolers. It has many tall buildings.

          -Polliwog Deep: A park with a pond in the middle of it that goes down for miles.

-Shifting Amusement Park: An amusement park that travels. It has been known to frequent Darkville, with themes constantly changing. It occasionally serves as a museum/zoo of sorts, but is classified as an amusement park due to the merchandise and rides. It isn't very safe.

-Sweetville: A calming village full of sweet shops. There are rumors of werewolves living here, and not the pacifist kind.

-The Library: A library with no specific location. It breaks the fourth wall, of the world, containing the memories and knowledge of the creator of Vingate.

-Train Hills: A hilly area with train tracks that lead to a movie theater. It is good for family outings, other than the fact that the water contains brain eating amoeba.

-Vacationland: A getaway area where kids dreams die. Middle aged people love this place, while children, teens, and young adults seem to hate it for some odd reason.

          -Haven Circus: A barebones circus that is more of a local fair than anything. It is located in Vacationland and is connected to the Learning Center. It has gacha machines, a ferris wheel, and other lackluster games.

          -Learning Center: A school made for those who need more hands on help. It is connected to Haven Circus.

-Witchtown: A town with many witches living in it.

          -Space Airport: An airport that sends you to the stars. It is located in Witchtown.

-Arcadeville: A town practically made of games and fun all around.

-World Highway: A highway stretching all across Vingate.