Myello's Bulletins

how does one make online art friends :<

Posted 5 months, 20 days ago by Myello

i am very new here on the digital art scene but i'd absolutely love to make some friends that i can hang with online and create with and talk about our creations to one another with
it sounds so fun but idk how to go about it??? maybe there are art discord servers i can join,,

i can draw!????

Posted 5 months, 21 days ago by Myello

who wuddathunk that if i put the effort in i could make things that look cool????

art development here we come!1!!1!
i can't wait to get back into making my ocs and their stories ^ ^

oooooo getting a has awoken so much of a desire to draw my already existing ocs and make new ones and stuff and i am an adhd slug with two little hands and chronic fatigue and i just iwhefkjhdfhasjdfkdjsfgkdsafkhdasfkjfajsk
but i also have my dream journal to upgrade and update and that is also on my mind and man hyperfixation got hands

Hello! I'm Myello!

Posted 6 months, 26 days ago by Myello

Okay, I am very very new to and am currently getting familiar with all the functions (though admittedly it is pretty confusing). Guess I gotta learn html and css hehe. I'll be slowly adding my characters and their respective (old) artwork bit by bit, however I cannot resist engaging with the free-to-enter/FTE raffles and species events! My love for original characters and stories has re-emerged and I can't wait to create my own and see what everyone else is up to too!

If you see this, feel free to talk to me about your OCs and stories, I'd love to hear about them!!!