Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warnings

  • Blood & Gore
  • Violence
  • References to Drugs/Alcohol
  • References to Abuse
  • Sexual Themes
  • Horror themed content.


  • I don't do pinglists for characters who aren't for sale.
  • Don't ask to buy/trade/ect characters outside of my UFS/T folder. If they're not in this folder, they're not up for offers. Ignoring this warning will result in an immediate block.
  • Don't block evade to try and purchase designs from me. Doing so will result in a block, report, and a permanent blacklisting.
  • Copy / Steal / Heavily reference my designs or characters.
  • Trace / Heavily reference my art.
  • Add my designs to Dreamy folders.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!