Academy Staff


Alanter - The current dean of the academy and also official head of the Rangers organization. She's large and cold tempered, a real by the books authority figure. Running the council and entire academy requires a lot of time and energy, but she does so with no complaints. Very distant to everyone but her closest companions and captains.

Crash(Jax) - Alanter's #1 captain, one of the oldest most experienced Rangers. He's normally stoic and tries to think before acting, but he's also a gigantic beanbag who ends up acting on impulse more than not. He's huge, towering over everyone helps solidify him as one of the most popular public figures in the organization, out of pure intimidation and awe. He's definitely got a soft spot for his team though, more fatherly than a teacher.
 Falcon - 
The #2, he's been around almost as long as Crash, but is much less by the books and doesn't pretend not to be impulsive and standoffish. Which is why he's also quite popular with the public, pure charisma has gotten him pretty far. That's aided by his physical strength, not totally towering over everyone like Crash, but certainly one of the tallest folks. Falcon will totally throw a student and even other rangers, all for fun though, he just hasn't been able to pick Crash up yet.

Noir - The history teacher thats very laid back, but add in a decorated history as one of the organizations best spies. He's thin and sneaky, but very friendly and willing to share most of his knowledge with his students. He's the voice of reason in Alanters council, he tries to see things from all sides instead of just one. That tends to get him to butt heads with the more impulsive council members like Crash. The academy and entire organization wouldn't be the same without him though.
Jermy - 
A science teacher with a nervous disposition, he's seen some of the galaxy's worst up close and personal. He prefers to stand back and let the tougher rangers handle things, and only gets into the fray if they require any skill he's specialized in. While he's not very active to the public, behind the scenes as one of the organizations lead scientists, he's doing quite a bit. His most recent scientific puzzle is a curious trait that has appeared in only one member of a species that aren't known for any such trait. 

Not a teacher or such but still helps out
Ame - The United Systems's local mad scientist/oldest council member, she's older than dust and quite out there. Ame is responsible for many scientific problems, which she's trying to fix but not that much. Coming from an old war sparking alien race's influence, she's the tinkerer that makes big stuff happen. Her secret projects span decades, and she might have accidentally projected a little too much onto one, hopefully it's not too bad.