
Physical Attributes:

• Name: Vulpesphan (pronounced vowl·peez·fan)

• Age: they have been around since 1,000~ year after their planets creation.

• General Appearance; animal form: small, looks like a fox, fur color the same as hair color, they have tuffs of fur, of different color then their pelt color, on their ears and ankles/elbows, tuffs on ears no matter the angle appear to face whomever they're looking at

Human form: standard human appearance but with the animal ears and tail, the ears still have the tuffs but elbow/ankles do not

• Lifespan: lives around 2000~ years

• Defense Mechanisms/Strategies: they don't have natural predators, despite this they have natural instincts to use their claws/powers to protect themselves

• Abilities: elemental powers, one per Vulpesphan, though Vulpesphan's of different elements have had children, though they have a 50-50 chance of mom or dad's powers

• Locomotion: they walk

• Herbivore, Carnivore or Omnivore?: Omnivore in human form, carnivore in animal, since they are primarily in animal form, they mostly eat meat

• Illnesses: none that have been documented

• Predators: n/a

• Problems: while the tuffs of fur are color specific based on their element, children of 2 different elements will have the parents they do not own the powers of colors

Species Culture:

• Habitat: based on the element

Fire: around volcanos (they have immunity) 

Water: near any type of body of water, primarily found near the edges of continents and islands

Air: found in mountainy regions

Earth: found in woody areas but more found in open fields and valleys

Magic/Spirit: tend to stay in woods or whichever element home/area their parents decided to live

• Time Period: technically would be around caveman area

• Rituals/Traditions: n/a

• Language: English in human form, dog/cat like sounds in animal

• How does the species attract a mate?: they talk and get to know each other

• Gender Status: while in most "towns" you'll find gender neutral leaders, smaller "towns" will have female leaders

• Do they travel in groups/packs or alone?: they live in packs of varying sizes, if the people feel it has gotten to big, a select amount, of their own free violation, will leave the group and start their own "town"

• Government: the elders gather around and choose the one who they feel will be best

• Clothing: 9 times out of 10 a Vulpesphan will be naked in human form, that 1 out of 10 would have clothes, they mainly wear tank tops and loose shorts

• Does their religion dictate their clothing preference?: no it does not

• Religious beliefs: the Vulpesphan believe that way before their planet there were only 4 (Fire, Earth, Water, and Air, this detail stays the same no matter who you ask) that were at war, fighting and battling and causing chaos, but one day (reason differs depending on whos asked) one Vulpesphan decided to stop and convinced the others that war was not needed. together they made the solar system and started leaving in unison, some believe that if war is caused then The Great Ones will come and destroy the planet

• Other beliefs: only one, but depending on where they're from, details change, but overall is the same

• Jobs: the Vulpesphan have a few jobs like humans, they have hunters, those who gather food, doctors, those who gather herbs and items to use to help those who need it, Leaders, there's always 2 in bigger "towns", 1 in smaller "towns"

• Special holidays: there is one special holiday all Vulpesphan take part in, where they all gather together and celebrate the creation of their planet and the ending of the war

• Are there any inventions, tools or machines that are unique to this species? Why?: no there is not

• Law: depending the crime, it would range between a slap on the wrist, to exile, to death as punishment, laws include thieving, rape, murder, kidnapping, fighting is bad, punishments vary, if you try to hide it, punishments will be worse, others to be added


• How do they procreate?: just like us/animals on Earth

• Infancy: childhood is filled with wonder, mothers and father tend to care for children equally, both letting them wander and find things out on their own, but also will teach them about things as well, correcting them if need be

• What happens when they age? Is it any different from humans?: when they are young, they're fur and hair is rough, as they age it tends to soften up, some stays slightly rough

Other info:

• The tuffs of fur colors are based off the element the Vulpesphan is

Fire: red, orange, and yellow

Water: blue, turquoise, and cyan

Earth: green, tan, and brown

Air: white, bright turquoise, and pale yellow

Spirit/Magic: purple, magenta, and pink

• Magic/Spirit are outcasted as in their religion there is none like it in the war with The Great Ones, however this is only based on the continent you are on

• Spirt/Magic are rare as they're only born when 2 pure of any element breeds with another pure element and the child of such breeds with another of the same conditions