NightWing Kingdom


Mirage eyed the dragon silhouettes fading out of view behind them with a wary trepidation. Was going this far out a mistake? Was he about to get killed for going off with the Screaming Spade? Did he even WANT a consort? His racing thoughts pounded in his skull like a drum, and the SandWing nervously observed his surroundings. 'Multiple openings.. adjust escape plan depending on which route is blocked, trying to leave the den is a no go with how many guards there are. Cause a distraction? Or somehow just obscure his vision?' He halted himself when he heard a low chuckle from the NightWing beside him.

"Be still your racing thoughts, I can hear them, you know." Spade gave him an amused glance, one eyebrow raised. Mirage hadn't even noticed the milky white teardrop scales beside his eyes yet. He felt his face heat up slightly, embarrassed at the thought of the other dragon hearing all of his planning. "I know you know my name. What's yours, if you don't mind giving me the honor of knowing?"

"...My name is Mirage. It used to be something else, but.." He cut himself off awkwardly, not even thinking about it. "Honestly, who DOESN'T know your name?" He blurted out before he could stop it.

"Oh, you are right, little SandWing." The NightWing snorted, eyes crinkling at the edges of a smile. "Although, funnily enough many dragons don't know of me at all. The whole... thing, with our entire group is.. messy at best." Spade sighed, looking more solemn that Mirage had ever expected from him. Although, most dragons tended to think the Screaming Spade didn't have any emotions at all, so all of this was more than Mirage had expected.

"Things are getting so wildly out of hand. But you already know that, don't you?" His stormy blue eyes almost felt like they were staring into the depths of Mirage's soul, and he couldn't help but feel frozen in his icy gaze. "Our dragons... our own kingdom we built is being driven to the brink of extinction by this utter madman." The nightwing spat his words out like they've personally scorned him, his tone dripping with venom. "My father is deluded by his own madness. I don't *need* a consort, I NEED an *ally.*" He scoffed, digging his talons in the sand around the oasis the two had fled to. He looked back up at Mirage, gaze full of conflicting emotions. "...I think it's in our best interests for both of us if *you* could be that ally, Mirage."

"ME?!" He backed up a step, startled by the pure absurdity of the statement. "What could someone like ME possibly do to help someone like *YOU*???" He balked, eyes blinking quickly for a moment. He shut his jaw with a click from where it hung open, agape.

Spade watched him with a knowing look in his eyes. "You're the only one who could. The only dragon who both wouldn't be suspected, and is close enough to me to be nearby and share my ideas with all the time." He listed his reasoning, Mirage knew it made sense, but he was still just so surprised by the request at all that he couldn't process it. He opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off.

"Just... please, consider it. My father is a madman and he will bring this kingdom to ruin. We don't have much time before he comes back to take us to our territory but... all I ask of you is that you think about it." The NightWing spoke, pleading. His eyes looked solemn and sad, but not surprised. Mirage couldn't help but wonder if he was truly the only option Spade had.

He just curled his tail around his talons, waiting in silence as Hellraiser regrouped with their escort, and the group took off, intent on heading back to the volcanic island that housed their kingdom.