Wildfires and Weeds


As Chimera looked at all of them in total, from both teams, not just his own, he could see that it was mostly made up of hybrids his own age, with a few single tribe dragons sprinkled in as well. But from the overwhelming variety he could see in all their scales, he was fully confident that they had all 10 tribes in there somewhere. 

He flicked his tail, drawing his wings closer as they spent the first portion of their stay just... exploring their new 'home', for the unforeseeable future... 

Chimera didn't know what to think of the dragons surrounding him, with so drastically different features spread between all of them, gaze uncomfortably scraping over each individual dragon there, as if assessing all of them individually.

His brain was probably his most useful asset at the moment, and he sent a silent thank you to the moons for his largely above average intelligence. 

Through scoping out each one, his eyes briefly landed on that of an IceWing who's viridian colored eyes met his own, presumably doing the same thing. He didn't break contact until the other one did- probably marking his small stature away in his brain as non-threatening.

Chimera let out a silent scoff, lashing his tail in one harsh swipe before remembering that IceWing was also on his team. How fun. The perfect addition to his day would be probably that dragon reminding him to pull his weight for the entirety of-

....What *were* these teams for, actually?

As they gathered around the firepit in the clearing near the dock, Chimera found his eyes meeting the black, empty ones of a so-called host.

And at the excited gleam in those dark pools of nothing, Chimera found himself wishing he wouldn't find out.