The Summoning




Imagine a world filled with anthropormorphic animals, all kinds, rodents, canines, fish, Reptiles, ect. But no Bugs? Why? cause they were all killed off...

Bugs have odd powers, Some may have the ability to summon the undead. Some may be able to shoot beams of power. For that reason they are deemed dangerous, And way back when they were all killed off completely. well, almost... Of course a few survived...


In this world, You follow Christian, A Wolf, at the top of the food chain. As she trys to live a normal life, but hiding her secret. Every day she must sand down her Beetle Fangs, Try to control her anger so her Tarantula Legs dont rip open from her back, Her Claws dont grow from her paws, and so her venom doesnt infect others. But now. She must add on to everything as her Buggy powers are now revealing themselves..

Welcome to the World of The Summoning, Christians Best friend, Patches Was killed by a single bullet live on the news, But she doesnt think thats all there was to it.. you see, He was part Scorpion, A manticore, He is allowed to live, his tail was snipped and he is mostly Lion, so He was deemed not dangerous, But normal citizens are scared of him still. It just didnt sit right with her... she can still feel Patches.. soul... So shes investigating, and every single clue is a giant step forward..