
(the photo is a placeholder, will probably change it later once we get some actual art of the place)

wonders. is a weirdcore/dreamcore universe created as a place to roleplay in, created by me and some friends. There is a main community center in the center, with many things to do, but some places lead to certain cities: the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of Night, Tetoran, Isola, Smile, Lurolle, and Angel City.

Kingdom of Light - An aristocratic kingdom where all native residents are made of light, including and especially the queen, who has all control of the light. Angering her would be your biggest mistake.

Kingdom of night - Mirrors are everywhere. You cannot trust a single person, and they don't trust you. Is that even another person, or just an illusion? You can't tell. The only light here is from the neon lights on and in buildings.

Tetoran - Spiders, beetles, and butterflies live here. Be wary of the webs and nests and cocoons, breaking them could land you in prison for destruction of property. 

Isola - An island with a ghost city. It's said that only one person lives here... How lonely they must be, if that's true.

Smile - A city full of childlike people and their caretakers. Those childlike people are ones who have never grown past childhood, and cannot function on their own. All caretakers are volunteers.

Lurolle - An entirely digital city, a part of wonders through VR. The true reality of that place is rather... desolate. TV heads and other such unreal beings live in this place.

Angel City - It's said that the residences here are angels in disguise. Not much is known about this place, as it is mostly hidden. Only a few have ever truly gone there.