

Arena Arena Fighters

Warriors who fight or have fought in the arena found in the capital of Peagarden. The arena is extremely popular, and is a place for many powerful fighters to test their mettle.

The fighters who are able to fight and win are well renown throughout the continent.

Demon Demons

One of the two main species of the underworld. They follow a hierarchy based on strength, with 9 generals and one absolute ruler: the king/queen. Demons can become a general by defeating a current general in a battle of strength or wit. 

Demons use dark eather and have powerful ‘true‘ forms that look like beasts, and tend to be violent and emotional. However, they are very very powerful if they set their mind to something. 

Reaper Reapers

Reapers are the second type of main species that inhabit the underworld. They follow a strict hierarchical structure, almost like a business. There are 5 officers who report to a single head.

Reapers are able to summon powerful spiritual weapons which they use to keep the demons in line. It is up to the Reapers to keep the demons under control and in the underworld.

Exorcist Exorcists

Exorcists are Griffolk mages who focus on dealing with demons on the overworld. They have the ability to seal and exorcise demons.

Exorcists often have forms of communication with Reapers, although Reapers and Exorcists are separate entities.

Novian Novians

Novians are Griffians that live on the moon of Nova, however not all Novians are Novinauts. Novinauts often secretly collect love items from different species to raise on Nova and bolster their ranks should a threat arise.

Nova acts as a guard from interstellar threats for the planet of Griffia, however corruption runs deep within their monarchy. 

Royalty Novian Royalty

The moon of Nova is run as a monarchy. Once upon a time a kind and wise Novinaut king ruled the moon, however since the king disappeared corruption has taken hold.

There are several Novinaut Prince and Princesses, however they are all too young to take the throne.

Cathula Cathula

A misunderstood alien race whose home planet has been destroyed. They eat eather and travel across the galaxy in their remaining ships in search of a new food source. Because of this, they are often viewed as evil scavengers.

Cathula can’t use magic, however they are able to interact with the ethereal dimension via their tails, which act as feelers and are able to punch through the dimensional barrier in a similar way to guardians.

Guild Member Adventurers Guild Members

The Adventurers Guild has many members, not all of whom live and work for the guild on a regular basis. The guild acts as a home for adventurers of all types, and is a hub for troubled Griffolk who are seeking help with various jobs.

While many adventurers do live at the guild, there are some freelancers who only come by to accept new jobs and collect their rewards.

Performer Traveling Performers

Chio is a traveling dancer and singer. She and her butler Cyron travel around the continents of Griffia and are essentially idols.

Chio is also known to occasionally pair up with traveling musicians and perform with them.

Witch Witches

Witches are Griffolk who are able to use more than one type of magic. They are often feared for their power and unpredictability, and are used as the monsters in children‘s stories.

Despite these negative views, witches aren’t particularly violent or cruel.

Seven The Seven

The Seven are a group of seven griffolk who traveled together and became renown heroes. They were even blessed by Sage with vitality and life.

However all good things come to and end, and The Seven are no exception. One of these heros became corrupted by corrupted eather and attack the others. The remaining heroes banded together to banish their friend to the underworld, where their corrupted power couldn’t harm anyone.

After this tragic event, the remaining heroes decided that they had been through enough, and split, going their separate ways.

Thieves Thieves Guild

The Thieves Guild is a guild for the less-than-noble adventurers of the world. They are the go-to for any Griffolk who are seeking assassins or thieves for hire.

Even more secretly though, the Thieves Guild serves as a home for the Mafia. And their darkness runs deeper than the everyday Griffolk can imagine…

Werebeast Werebeast

Werebeasts are a mostly mysterious species who have strong ties to magic. Their kind had a rich history that was lost to time, and now they are considered dangerous animals by the general public, and often themselves.

Wereism is also transferable as a sort of disease. However those who are not born, but infected, are unable to control their transformations. Once upon a time there was a cure for this condition, however this too was lost to time. 

Pirates Sky Pirates

Griffolk who fly through the sky on a mana-powered ship. As pirates they partake in lots of looting and law-breaking. 


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