Bayou Kelpies

These equines are very shaggy and soft looking Drafters. They inhabit the bayous of Louisiana- patrolling the swamps... Guarding their secrets...

The people of the nearby delta village say that they are the spirits of the swamp, defending it from the humans and their greedy hands.

There have been many sightings of the mysterious beasts, but no viable evidence has been found of their existance.

But the people know they are there, people who have seen the mysterious animals seem to be permenently changed, not for worse, the sighters have actually seemed more universally aware, and wiser than they have ever been.

Some people even wish to see one of the kelpies to gain wisdom.

Others believe that the Kelpies choose who sees them, and only show themselves to people who need guidence,

......But who knows?.....

-Written by ~*Waffletastic!*~