

Niesha was once a technical high evolved society: Tall skyscraper, high-technology and everything. In these times you would describe it as ruined world, where a lot of different people were living in totally various surroundings, strange self-build cities, towns, villages, tree-houses, caves ...

You may know what I am wanting to say, right?  

Nobody knows how it happen, but many books say that mother nature: Niesha, the goddess of creation herself wanted her home back, freeing it from all the waste that destroyed her child. There are still ruins of the buildings of the 'old world' in-between newly build normal villages and towns. Some of them are using old technology, some fear them, some want to get rid of them, some really want it back and some are just wanting to live their life in damn peace! 

Everywhere you can still find something like stones of the old civilisation: Some deactivated. Some active. Some destroyed. They hold mysteries and information about the old world, riddles, stories, magic, blessings, destruction ... Some good and some really bad things can happen when you get close to them. 

Furthermore, the whole ‘world’ is consisting of tunnel systems in the underground with a lot of different caves to suit the environment around\above or next to caves.