

Periwinkleheart [she/her] - Former kittypet, first sage of the clan. Mates with Wisteriablossom. 

Wisteriablossom [she/her] - Former loner/stray cat, first leader of the clan. Mates with Periwinkleheart.

Clan's  backstory: Periwinkle was a house cat. Her owners was an old woman - a  former doctor - and she had a very large garden in their home,  Periwinkle always loved to watch them studying about medicine and felt  close to the herbs and plants somehow. Her life was great until the day  her owner suddenly passed away from old age, Periwinkle found herself  hopeless for the first time in her life.

Her  best friend and mate Wisteria, a stray cat who lived nearby, took care  of her and they went on a journey to a place Wisteria really liked, a  large valley covered in angelica plants. They lived there together for a  few moons, until they were attacked by a large owl, and Wisteria killed  it but she was hurt and bleeding, they didn't have humans to take care  of her. Periwinkle did her best to stop the bleeding with the little  knowledge her beloved owner had taught her.

During  that time Periwinkle started having strange dreams about Spirits and something calling out to her. Together they travelled further into the
 territory, finding the Sun's Stone. Periwinkle felt connected to it  somehow and when she slept in it for a night she was visited by strange spirits again, they were bright and she couldn't see them, only hear them and feel their warmth in her heart. The Spirits told her she was chosen to become a Sage, to heal and talk with the cats in the  beyond. They renamed her Periwinkleheart. She knew this was something special, and she shared her dream with her mate, who seemed confused but tried her best to understand. Together they took in a few other cats  who appeared in the territory, promising that in this group they would  take care of each other. Wisteria was renamed Wisteriablossom by Periwinkleheart, this was in honor of her caring nature and how she  helped blossom the group into the clan it is today. Together they named  the clan Angelicaclan, in honor to the angelica plants that led them to  the territory.