Sun of Death

Soguriri ro de Rusurai-sa (in English, the Island of No Life) is a myth in the Set of Worlds. It takes on major Hunarian inspiration, considering all its characters are named in Hunarian, although the actual origins for the myth are unknown, and even then likely comes from a giant array of sources. In the Set of Worlds, the arts aren't very favored; however, the myth about the cats on this island managed to survive for an uncountable number of years. It will only flourish as the Set gears itself into a mindset more interested in art thanks to the new government it is taking on.

The Soguriri de Rusurai-sa is a famous, mythical island in the Set of Worlds. The reason of the name itself is said to have come from an old natural disaster that wiped out most of the species on the island. The event left the sun poisonous and deadly, and due to this the surviving life adapted to avoid or protect against the dangerous rays. Because of this, plant life grew thicker, taller, and stronger. It even in some cases evolved to live off of the poison, creating a jungle of lethal organisms. Due to acid rain and various other factors in the area, the water exposed to the elements is noxious, too. Only water that has been safely stored underground and removed from the rest of the sun is safe to drink. Because of the water, vegetation, and rest of the conditions on the island, the animals that survived adapted and changed to accommodate these factors, leaving the island dead during the day, and alive in the darkness. Most of the stories from the myth focus around a group of felines and servals, those of which survived the tale and lived on under the blanket of night. 

Female Male pf No info Closedsemi open species Unnamed closed species needs info feline pondies cat draw gummikit species NFT IGNORE dragon pup casper keeper RISE jingle dog go NO sima salefolder light collector canine smol cumulos SALE male cheese doodle fries yeah