OrangeDolphin's Bulletins

Amongus āļž

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by OrangeDolphin

Me and my sister watched two vids related to this Vinny/Jerma/Criken/Charborg collaboration in Among Us Vr and they make me wanna do an Among Us story with my Cometchaser characters, I forget how much I still love the funnI space beans.

Oh, I also plan on making/posting some Among Us adopts as well, just because. :}


Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by OrangeDolphin

I've been thinking about making a persona for myself, I've always wanted to but I could never think of what they should look like...maybe some suggestions would help?

I decided to add my characters to my Nikoverse folder as I realized I've been neglecting to do so for a while, the art is kinda old as I made them when I was just getting used to drawing in MS Paint, hence the wonky proportions and such.

also, funny thing about Crimson's parents, Tangerine and Lemon, is that I saved them as BMP way back when I drew them as I panicked when my Window's blacked out for no reason, and they where saved like that ever since...until now, as I deleted the image and resaved it as a PNG today so they can be uploaded since TH doesn't accept BMPs.

This might sound dumb but...

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by OrangeDolphin

Would it be okay for me to unauthorize some of my characters? or is that a stupid thing to do?

Story Suggestions

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by OrangeDolphin

I wanna write another story for fun while I'm slowly chipping away at the Seven Deadly Doofuses one, so I'd like some suggestions for either another Partly Cloudy story or a ROYGBIV story.

Character Sale [Not Mine]

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by OrangeDolphin

Saw my two friends promoting them and that have some neat characters for sale, so it seemed fair to share this too!

My friend is doing an OC givaway

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by OrangeDolphin

IDK if they still are since the bulletin was made 5 days ago, so if they aren't I'll take this down if they want me too.

I'm done!!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by OrangeDolphin

I finally finished Choppy Waters! it took me literally DAYS to finish it as I kept stopping to do other stuff such as drawing and sometimes didn't have the motivation to write it on some days...but now it is finally done!! now I can properly get to writing more of my Seven Deadly Doofuses story with that out of the way.

check it out and lemme know what you think, no pressure tho. (^v^)👍

Odd Question but...

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by OrangeDolphin

Is there a story of mine you consider my "flagship" series? I got lots of stories but what's one that could be considered the most "popular" one?