Retired OCs


These OCs are characters I no longer use. They are typically old characters I made years ago and just don't want to forget since they are the starting point that helped me becomes who I am now. You will see most of these are fan characters, so not really 100% original, but a few are still original. Stories/lore wise, some have a lot, others dont. I will only be remembering those I have a lot of lore to. So while yes I may have had a Warrior OC named Badgerscar, he never held any purpose and I am fine with forgetting him. 

Why retire them?

It's not because I no longer enjoy a fandom, but moreso I no longer have the time or reason to work on them. Some are stupid and made when I was literally around 12 years old, while others I just couldn't think of anything for them. I want to focus on Endless Sky characters as for they are important and will be implemented into the book series I plan on publishing. I still love these characters nonetheless.

If you dont use them, why are they here?

I cherish memories, especially ones I created myself. Its the reason why despite old drawings being nearly a decade old and ugly, I refuse to trash it because it shows how much I have grown. I enjoy sharing past moments because there are times it is funny and someone might enjoy it. With age though, I will start forgetting these things, so having them written somewhere may help a lot.

Can I use them?

No. I may not use them now, but I have used them before and grown attached. Most if not all characters I made will forever be mine, especially if they have even a sliver of lore to them. I wont stop people from drawing them, or myself, but I am not giving them away.