The ink brothers

»»————- The inky brothers, Devon and Damian! Their diets consist of ink and different types of it, they live in a neighborhood in the US.

They love playing songs in their garage using their electric guitars and drumsets :P

»»————-  Vital informarion on Devon and Damian: 

>Devon has a brother (Damian) that he makes music with and plays music with and his older brother yes introduced him to rock and metal and made him itnerested in it :) He likes to copy his big bro's style which is all spiky and black clothes!

>They're orphans and live together in a house with a garage where they play rock music

>Devon grew up being taken care of by his older brother

>Devon is currently in college taking a course on music and studying music theory

>Devon’s favorite instrument is the electric guitar

>Devon carries extra pens with him when he goes out, as snacks

>They've never tried to ever find their parents, they were orphans but fortunately, Damian found a very high paying job, He wont tell devon what the job is but devon is fine with it! because with the job they could live in a nice house and make rock music together!