PR0XIDE's Bulletins

Regarding Adopts

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by PR0XIDE

Hello all who come across my page,

As of now (2:09 MST, March 27 2023), I will be privating my adopts page. Why? Quite simple. Most of them are picrews. While there’s nothing wrong with the concept, it’s still technically wrong to sell them as adopts with only the picrew. Which is why I’m privating them so I can give them all art to make them worthy of adoption. I also still need to find some picrew links and user handles to credit them.

As for the ones that were under “Dislyte”, I know some of you seem very interested in them, however- my goal was to keep them within the dislyte fandom, and for them to be used as ocs for those within the fandom. At first I was tentative on it and willing to let them be used as a general purpose oc, but my attatchment to the fandom has led to me thinking otherwise. So I’d prefer giving them to someone who is in the fandom and plans to use them rather than just give them away. If they aren’t gone within a few months however, they may become available to you.

Sorry to those of you who were getting constant notifs of me uploading characters.

TLDR: privated adopts since it’s mostly picrew, need to make refs and credit them. Dislyte ocs can only be adopted if you’re in the fandom and plan to use them (this rule will be ineffective in a few months).

- Mack (ps if the folders are still visible to you lmk)

Swangels Event Advertisement

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by PR0XIDE

⁎⁺˳✧༚ A delicate swan’s feather rests its body onto Aphrodite’s hand… ༊*·˚ woefully sewn.  Swangels are angels of dreams, handcrafted by Aphrodite herself. They devote their entire beings to making mankind’s dreams come true-- for if they devote themselves, they will be able to redeem themselves from the curse placed upon them. Join Swangels: a species dedicated to making dreams come true! We will take you on a wondrous adventure! there will be:  ⁎⁺˳✧༚  • MYO offerings  • fun and exciting events! • discord exclusive giveaways! • guest artist applications!  .. and more! We would love to have you there. ⁎⁺˳✧༚ 

Banger new myo!!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by PR0XIDE

Heyo check this myo out!

it’s also a bit different than ur regular myo, it sounds hella fun


Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by PR0XIDE

Hey so I found this really dope species known as Honōbi, check 'em out! (the event's myo designs are due 4/14!)

HeyItsDamien bc I think you'd like this species