Night Club

The night club, a place where no one is who they seem and where the fun actually begins. It was Amy's first time going to the night club along with some friends and she need to get out for once in her life; or at least that's what her friends tell her. Amy recently got over who she thought was the love of her life though he was her first and only boyfriend but being in love makes a girl crazy and sometimes thinking straight doesn't happen as often. After crying herself dry Amy thought she need a break and if that meant going out of her comfort zone, and downing a few drinks then goddamn she was going to do it! That is till some scumbag tried to take advantage of Amy while she was tipsy and wait? why was he suddenly screaming? Oh gosh Amy was definitely regretting all those extra drinks. Now there was a woman in front of her, looking down at her in amusement. "Hm well girl i think you know your limit don't ya?" the woman swooped up amy leaving her more dizzy than she already was, the mysterious woman then started to carry her away from the club. "Names Trix but i doubt you heard me?" Trix said low under her breath looking down at the passed out girl. "What...a...bothersome..."