Personal lore for my MLP universe/world/au. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS

Race Differences

Unicorns: Flowy/longer hair, feathered legs, longer tails. Usually the base of the tail shows off/hair starts further down the base. Some tails can be very VERY long and only have hair underneath OR at the very end. Hooves are cloven (deer-like) and legs are dainty. On occasion some unicorns sport small dew claws like deer. Their colors range from the cooler side of the spectrum between Pinks, purples, blues, and teals. Colors are usually light with some exceptions. Horn sizes and lengths differ and reflect on the unicorns' magic abilities. Learning certain spells can be harder for unicorns with small/short or curled horns.

Pegasus: Their bodies contain more feathers than hair. Their manes (the forelock especially) are naturally shorter as to not wave in front of their faces when flying. This is thought to be from genetic evolution. Some have tails with feathers at the base while the hair of their tail can be real long. Their legs can have some feathering with REAL feathers. Their colors follow on the mid to warmer side. Some are found with brighter colors while others with duller. Feathers and wings can follow all sorts of shapes, lengths, and sizes.

Earth Ponies: Usually they have regular length hair and manes/tails. Their apperiences range vastly but stays relatively on the horse-y side. Browns, tans, reds, blacks and whites! Duns, dapple, roan, paint, pinto and more! Manes, tails and body hair also vary in lengths and textures. These ponies legs and hooves are very strong with muscular yet slim looks.