The Gods of Kharan

Storyline in progress!

Since the dawn of time, before all of the universe was created, the Great One was the only living being. He had legendary powers, and is referred to as the creator of life. He was older than any number could define, and as he got older the closer he was to his perish. Therefore, he created 8 deities to take his place, four were of order and four were nefarious. The four of order and peace are called the Mercies. The four of destruction and evil are called the Bedlems. With both life and death, the Great One intended to establish balance between the two groups to balance life in the universe. After their creation, he established galaxies, worlds, life, and everything in existence. He taught the eight gods of the balance they were destined to keep when he perished. Soon enough, the Great One's time was over and his soul was no more. Without the Great One to establish the connection between the two groups, both were led array and dove into war. The Bedlems reigned destruction, disorder and chaos among the universe, and the Mercies decided their job was to restrain them from raining hell upon the entire universe. For millennia, the Mercies and the Bedlems waged war. Mercies dare not have all four of order in the same battle-place as the power of all at once may demolish the universe. Because of this, the four Mercies split up and now roam hidden in the depths of Kharan. The gods now hide away from lifeforms, appearing as only a legend and culture among the living. Those who experience the gods' presence is either under rare encounters, certain circumstances, or battles between gods. Extreme destruction follows the battles of the two. The galaxy in which the deities inhabit was named by the Great One; Kharan. The Mercies keep the Bedlems wrath within the limits of Kharan. Life inhabits many planets, but the main planet that holds life is called Ultima. Ultima is a very powerful planet, often called the "Planet of Life", and the Great One cast magic blocking spell upon the planet to detain any of the four Bedlems from raining hell upon the main planet.